SC-01 The Techniques and Business Aspects of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage and the CO₂ Storage Resources Management System (SRMS)

George R. Brown Convention Center - Room 332 A/D

Sunday, 10 March 2024, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.  |  Houston, Texas

short course image

Course Content

As part of the international effort to combat global warming, significant attention is being given to ways to sequester (store for the long-term) carbon dioxide, which is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect. It is therefore critical that there is a universal means to record the storage volumes by recognizing the maturity of the projects to be implemented and the confidence that can be placed in the estimated sequestered volumes.

GaffneyCline is proud to have assisted Santos by auditing the storage quantities for the Moomba CCS facility in the Cooper Basin, Australia. Santos is believed to be the first company in the world to report Capacity using the SRMS.

This one-day course will look at some of the ways in which carbon dioxide can be stored and provide a detailed review of the SRMS framework prepared by the Society of Petroleum Engineers to classify and categorize the storage quantities. The course will include example calculations to show how the storage quantities can be estimated.

Building on the foundational principles set out above the course syllabus will move to the economics of CCS in the context of the various carbon pricing and policy incentives that are being developed, with an assessment of the risks involved in capture, transport, and storage. The economic framework in which CCS operates around the world will be described, with examples given to illustrate how the investment case is evolving.

Various business models being adapted for this new industry will be set out, with the pros and cons explained, and regional trends in commercial structuring will be illustrated. Finally, some of the contractual mechanisms being developed to assign risk and liabilities along the value chain from emitter to sequestration entity will be examined, with the help of classroom illustrations and exercises.


The first part of the course will provide:

  • An overview of carbon capture, utilization, and storage, including the role of greenhouse gasses
  • Discussion of typical modes of storage of carbon dioxide in saline aquifers and depleted oil and gas fields
  • Detailed review of the SRMS, including principles and key definitions
  • Discussion of economics and evaluation methods
  • The methodologies are illustrated with examples

The economic and commercial features of the course will cover:

  • Carbon pricing methodologies and their relevance to CCS
  • The differences between compliance and voluntary carbon markets
  • The cost base involved in capture, transmission, and storage
  • The emerging investment case for CCS around the world, including policy support and incentives
  • The CCS business model and risk allocation
  • CCS Term Sheet and contract evolution


Rawdon Seager
Rawdon Seager
View Bio
Nicholas Fulford
Nicholas Fulford
View Bio


$600 Professionals
Attendee Limit:
30 People


 SC-01 The Techniques and Business Aspects of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage and the CO₂ Storage Resources Management System (SRMS)
George R. Brown Convention Center
1001 Avenida De Las Americas
Houston, Texas 77010
United States


Important Notes Regarding Short Courses

  • Short courses are limited in size and are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis and must be accompanied by a full payment.
  • If you do not plan on attending the conference, a US $30 enrollment fee will be added to the short course fee. This fee may be applied toward registration if you decide to attend the conference at a later date.
  • A wait list is automatically created if a short course sells out. AAPG will notify you if space becomes available.
  • Before purchasing non-refundable airline tickets, confirm that the course will take place, as courses may be cancelled if undersubscribed.
  • Please register well before the deadline of 6 February 2025. Short course cancellations due to low enrollment will be considered at this time. No refunds will be allowed on short courses after 6 February 2025
  • We will continue to take registrations for short courses not cancelled until they are either sold out or closed.
  • Courses will be held in the George R. Brown Convention Center unless otherwise indicated. Participants will be advised via email of the specific location approximately two weeks prior to the course.

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellations can be made by contacting CCUS Registration on or before 14 February via email at
  • Cancellations received on or before 14 February will receive a refund LESS a US $75 processing fee.
  • Refunds will not be issued after 14 February or for “no shows.”
  • You may substitute one participant for another.

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