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Integrated: Geology and Geophysics
Special Sessions
  • Monday, 03 March
  • Tuesday, 04 March
  • Wednesday, 05 March
8:15 AM
  1. 8:15 AM Welcome Remarks S. Singleton*1, D. Riestenberg2, C. Wachtman3(1. Geophysical Consultant; 2. Advanced Resources International, Inc.; 3. Oxy)
    8:25 AM Keynote: The Need and Promise of Ultralow-Emission Dispatchable Power D. Rice*1, 2(1. Net Power; 2. Board of Directors, EQT)
9:00 AM
  1. George R. Brown Convention Center
    9:00 AM Capacity Evaluation of CO2 Storage through Mineralization in Rio Bonito Formation, Brazil
    A. Izadpanahi*1, C. Gaeta Tassinari1, M. Sampaio1(1. University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo)
    9:00 AM Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Interfacial Tension on CO2 Geo-Storage Capacity in Carbonate Saline Aquifers
    J. Mouallem*1, M. Arif1, A. Raza2, M. Mahmoud2, M. Motiur1(1. Petroleum Engineering, Khalifa University; 2. Petroleum Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals)
    9:00 AM Impact of Vaporization on Mineral Changes and Salt Precipitation During CO2 Storage
    P. N. Boison1, W. Ampomah2, N. Sibaweihi2(1. Petroleum Engineering, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; 2. Petroleum Recovery Research Center)
    9:00 AM Cuttings to the Rescue: Cost-Effective, Reservoir-Risk Assessment of Petrophysical Properties via Novel Image Analysis, Elemental, Isotopic, and LIBS-Based Microscopy
    H. Carvajal Ortiz2, G. M. Oliver1, I. M. Easow3(1. Data Science, Geolog Americas Inc; 2. Geoscience Labs, Geolog; 3. Geolog)
    9:00 AM Best Practise Approach to Live CO2 Brine Preparation and Solubility Calculation
    L. Abiashue*1(1. Process Engineering, Memorial University, St. john's)
    9:00 AM Reservoir Property Heterogeneity Influence on the CO2 Injectivity, Storage Capacity, Pressure Management, and Risk Assessment, Dry Fork CarbonSAFE Project, Powder River Basin, Wyoming
    Z. Jiao*1, T. Bai1, M. Johnson1, F. McLaughlin1, P. Li1, Y. Yu1, S. Quillinan1(1. SER, University of Wyoming)
    9:00 AM Carbon Sequestration Potential in Marine Turbidite Sandstones: A Sub-Regional Perspective
    S. Dabeer1, D. Shaukry1, H. M. Jubran1, A. Ghamdi*1(1. ARAMCO)
    9:00 AM Workflows and Technical Challenges of Regional Multi-Resource Assessments in the U.S. Geological Survey
    J. LaGesse*1, S. Brennan1(1. USGS)
    9:00 AM Impact of Hydrothermal Alteration on Basalt Pore Systems: Insights into Carbon Storage and Seal Potential
    Z. Kou*1, S. Kelly1, D. Veselinovic2, M. Dick2(1. Columbia University; 2. Green Imaging Technologies, Fredericton)
    9:00 AM Simplifying Pressure Prediction for CO2 Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers
    A. Pontén*1, A. Zahid1, K. Håland1, E. Otterlei1, S. Riordan1(1. Equinor ASA)
    9:00 AM Experimental Investigation of Formation of Carbon Dioxide Hydrates during Injection into Cold Water Zones
    M. Mahmood*1, M. T. Islam1, B. Guo1(1. Petroleum Engineering, University of Louisiana at Lafayette)
    9:00 AM Near-Wellbore Effects in CO2 Projects – Salt Precipitation and Reduction of Injectivity
    A. Santiago Torres1, H. Qualman1, D. Hegazy1, D. Shah1, G. Hegde1(1. Wood)
    9:00 AM Appalachian CCS – Can It Work?
    B. Johnston*1(1. Enverus, Calgary)
    9:00 AM ERCIM Framework for CCS Project Assessment
    I. Barranco*1, D. Alvarado1(1. Lower Carbon Geology, Chevron)
    9:00 AM An Open-Source Seismic Site Characterization Tool for Geologic Carbon Storage
    T. Chen*1, K. Gao1, J. woo1(1. Los Alamos National Laboratory)
    9:00 AM The Effect of Oil Infiltration on the Geomechanical Response of Mudrocks for Geologic Carbon Storage
    S. H. Khan1, K. Kim1(1. Texas A&M University)
    9:00 AM Site-Scale Evaluation of Geologic Carbon Storage at the Matagorda Island Leasing Area, Offshore Texas
    J. Mendez*1, I. Andrade1, A. J. Effiong2, E. P. Irumhe1, B. O. Lawson2, B. A. Shabab2, R. Pollyea1(1. Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech; 2. Department of Mining and Minerals Engineering, Virginia Tech)
    9:00 AM Multi-Parameter Assessment of CO2 Injectivity for Optimal Well Siting in Geological Carbon Storage
    D. Essel*1, W. Ampomah1, N. Sibaweihi1, D. Bui1(1. Petroleum Recovery Research Center (PRRC), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology)
    9:00 AM Beyond CO2 Plume and Pressure Front Outlines: A Case for Extracting More Value from Simulation Models
    C. Joy*1, J. van Gestel1, D. Costello2, G. E. Brew2(1. bp; 2. Dynamic Graphics, Inc.)
    9:00 AM Spatiotemporal Visualization of CO2 Plume During Geological Carbon Storage Under Uncertain Subsurface and Engineering Conditions for Site Selection
    V. T. Kumar1, M. Siddharth1, Y. Falola1(1. Petroleum engineering, Texas A&M University)
    9:00 AM Multimodal Identification of Complex Basalt Pore-Lining Mineralogy for Subsurface Carbon Mineralization
    O. Terry*1, T. Shen1, M. Dick2, D. Veselinovic2, Q. Miller3, N. Lahiri3, T. Schaef3, S. Kelly1(1. Earth and Environmental Engineering , Columbia University; 2. Green Imagining, Fredericton; 3. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
    9:00 AM Application of Seismic Inversion, Attribute Analysis, and Machine Learning to Assess the CO2 Storage Potential in the Gulf of Mexico
    S. A. Samuel1, C. Knapp1(1. Boone Pickens School of Geology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA)
  2. George R. Brown Convention Center
    9:00 AM Potential for Carbonate Precipitation in Basaltic Systems Based on Geochemical Modeling with PHREEQC in a Closed System
    V. K. Cescani1, T. D. Siqueira1, A. P. Mizusaki1, J. Vargas1, E. Mello1, R. V. Conceição*1(1. Department of Geochemistry, UFRGS, Porto Alegre)
    9:00 AM Critical Operational Factors Affecting CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers: Insights from Multi-Stacked Carbonate Reservoirs in South Florida
    U. D. Orivri1, L. Koehn2, R. Pollyea2(1. Mining and Minerals Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; 2. Geosciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
    9:00 AM Creating More Accurate Geological Models and Dynamic Plumes for CCUS Using AI Driven 3D Seismic Interpretation
    P. G. Pistoun1(1. Integrated Seismic & Geomodels, LLC)
    9:00 AM Upscaling of Diffusivity in CO2 Storage Processes in Deep Saline Aquifers
    B. Dindoruk1, J. A. Benavides Arancibia1, S. Oyagha*1, D. M. Paker1(1. petroleum, University of Houston)
    9:00 AM Closed-Form Analytical Approaches to Constrain Fraction of Injected CO2 Dissolving in Brine During CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers
    M. Zeidouni*1(1. Louisiana State University)
    9:00 AM Evaluating the Impact of Temperature Differences on Near-Wellbore Stresses and Caprock Integrity for CO2 Sequestration
    A. O. Badejo1, E. R. Okoroafor1(1. Texas A&M University)
    9:00 AM How to Best Model the Impact of Capillary Heterogeneity on CO2 Flow and Trapping Across Scales
    H. Ni*1, N. Darraj2, C. Harris2, I. Bukar2(1. The University of Texas at Austin; 2. Imperial College London)
    9:00 AM Assessing the Potential for CO2 Storage in the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania by Conversion of Shale Gas Production Wells
    D. Tu1, K. Ellett*1(1. Carbon Solutions LLC)
    9:00 AM Proactive Evaluation and Management of Geochemical Aspects of Subsurface CO2 Storage
    M. K. Aliyu1(1. Geology, Federal University of Lafia, Lafia)
    9:00 AM Advanced Geochemical Modeling and Experimental Evaluation of CO2 Storage in Bunter Sandstone: Implications for Large-Scale CCS Deployment
    M. Ahmed*1, J. A. Benavides Arancibia1, B. Dindoruk1(1. Petroleum Engineering, University of Houston)
    9:00 AM Assessing the Influence of Fracture Permeability Anisotropy on the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Injected CO2 in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
    H. Huang*1, J. Walker2(1. Tetra Tech; 2. WSP)
    9:00 AM Geomechanical Sensitivity Analysis for CO2 Storage in Gulf Coast Saline Aquifers
    K. Alokla*1, P. Sarkar1, J. E. Omeke1, D. Lochary2(1. Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University; 2. Louisiana State University)
    9:00 AM CO2 Convective Mixing in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Implications for Safe Storage of CO2
    E. A. Ofosu2, A. Khanal1(1. Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, University of Tulsa; 2. Chemical Engineering, University of Tulsa)
    9:00 AM Brine Production Strategies for Enhanced CO2 Storage
    K. Alokla*1, F. Yatte2, D. Lochary3(1. Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University; 2. Computer Modeling Group; 3. Louisiana State University)
  3. George R. Brown Convention Center
    9:00 AM Toward an Enhanced Functionality for Categorizing and Simulating Legacy Well Leakage Risks
    J. Wise*1, G. Lackey1, N. Mitchell1, I. Anwar2, M. Meng2, M. Mehana2, R. Dilmore1(1. NETL; 2. Los Alamos National Lab)
    9:00 AM Introducing the NRAP Risk Register Tool: an Innovative Risk Management Tool for Carbon Storage Projects
    S. Baur*1, J. Frame1, C. Brown1, D. Appriou1, J. Fernandez1, H. Luu1, P. Tran1, T. Franklin1(1. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
    9:00 AM Quantifying Stress Uncertainty and Assessing Geomechanical Risks with SOSAT: Applications and Insights in Geological Carbon Storage
    W. Wang1, J. Burghardt1, D. Appriou*1, R. Haagenson1(1. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
    9:00 AM Risk Based Area of Review Delineation with Modflow and Groundwater Contaminant Fate and Transport Modeling
    T. Umstot*1, G. A. Schnaar1(1. Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc.)
    9:00 AM Seismic Event Monitoring with Intelligent AI for Carbon Storage
    C. Chai*1(1. Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
    9:00 AM Key Challenges and Evaluation of Legacy Well Integrity in CO2 Storage: Insights from Real-World CCS Projects
    B. M. Eissa1(1. Petroleum Engineering , Texas Tech)
    9:00 AM The Use of NRAP and SMART Tools to Assess the Performance and Cost of Remedial Responses to Leakage Events at a CO2 Saline Storage Site
    D. J. Morgan1, D. Appriou2, K. Bello1, B. Chen3, L. Cunha1, R. Dilmore1, N. Huerta2, A. P. Kirol2, E. Kutsienyo2, G. Liu1, L. Mamud2, N. Mitchell1, M. K. Mudunuru2, C. Shih1, H. Siriwardane1, V. Vasylkivska1, D. Vikara1, T. Warner1, K. Wilson2, F. Zheng3(1. National Energy Technology Laboratory; 2. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; 3. Los Alamos National Laboratory)
    9:00 AM Rapid Zonal Rate Allocation Optimization for CO2 Storage Operation Using Multi-Resolution Deep-Learning Model: Application to the Illinois Basin Decatur Project
    C. Chan*1, S. Das1, A. Datta-Gupta1(1. Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University)
    9:00 AM An Update on the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Risk Assessment Partnership: Computational Tools and Workflows to Support Risk-Based Decision Making for Geologic Carbon Storage Deployment
    R. Dilmore*1, D. Appriou2, T. Chen4, A. Cihan3, E. Gasperikova3, J. Iyer5, K. Kroll5, M. Mehana4, D. J. Morgan1, B. Strazisar1(1. Research & Innovation Center, US DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory; 2. Energy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; 3. Energy Geosciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; 4. Environmental and Earth Science Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory; 5. Earth and Atmospheric Science Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
    9:00 AM Risk Assessment in CO2 Storage Projects: A Comprehensive Approach to Risk Management
    C. W. Cavalieri Rodriguez1, H. Costeno Enriquez1, R. Salter1, A. Trejo1(1. Industrial Decarbonization , SLB)
9:20 AM
  1. Martin Ma, Julie O'Leary
    9:25 AM Comparison of CO2-Brine and N2-Brine Relative Permeability Results on Multiple Rock Types
    M. J. Martin1, S. W. Drylie1, F. Chen1, B. Dindoruk2(1. Petroleum Services, Core Laboratories; 2. Petroleum Engineering, University of Houston)
    9:45 AM CO2 Injectivity Improvement in Saline Reservoirs: Lab Scale Investigation using Chemical Additives
    G. Penny1, S. Bhagwat*1, C. Shuchart1, V. Gupta1(1. ExxonMobil)
    10:05 AM Effects of Carbonated Water Injection on Lacustrine Carbonates of Mupe Member, an Analog of the Oil and Gas Brazilian Pre-Salt Carbonate Reservoir
    I. de Albuquerque2, C. Rabe*1, S. Bejarano2, C. Harper1, G. Stael2(1. Gaffney Cline, Baker Hughes; 2. Geophyscis, ON, Rio de Janeiro)
  2. Shuang Zheng, Robert Dilmore
    9:25 AM Feasibility of 4D Seismic Monitoring for CO2 Injection in Open Versus Closed Depleted Gas Fields: Goldeneye and Hamilton Fields
    S. Toh*1, C. MacBeth1, J. Landa1(1. Heriot-Watt University)
    9:45 AM Use of CO2 Injection to Enhance the Recovery of Gas and Condensate During the Co-Development of a Giant Carbonate Field Containing Oil and Gas
    M. J. Aikman1(1. Thamama Energy Center, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, Abu Dhabi)
    10:05 AM Blue Hydrogen Production and CCUS at Natural Gas Wellheads
    D. Elhossary*1, K. Mohanty1, M. Pyrcz1(1. Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin)
  3. Kate Ryan, Nihal Darraj
    9:25 AM How International Subject Matter Experts in CCUS Impact Legal Frameworks and Policy Making
    I. Ombudstvedt*1, L. Østgaard1(1. IOM Law)
    9:45 AM A CCUS Hub in the Niger Delta: A Model for Developing Oil and Gas Regions Globally
    10:05 AM CCS: The Brazilian Perspective
    F. S. Shecaira1, G. S. Seabra2, J. P. Nunes3(1. PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro; 2. TU Delft; 3. Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro)
  4. Matthias Imhof, Shuvajit Bhattacharya
    9:25 AM CO2 -Locate: A National Living Wellbore Database and Mapping Application Supporting Site Selection, Permitting, and Risk Assessments
    L. Romeo*1, I. Pfander2, C. Cleaveland2, A. Dyer2, M. Sabbatino3, D. Tetteh2, K. Rose1, J. Bauer1(1. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory; 2. Leidos; 3. Battelle)
    9:45 AM NRAP, SMART, and EDX4CCS: Leveraging Advanced Digital Tools for Large-Scale Carbon Storage
    J. Walker Graf1, T. Rodosta1, R. Pawar1(1. FECM, US Department of Energy)
    10:05 AM Using a Self-Growing Neural Network Approach to CCS Monitoring
    R. Madarapu*1, Z. Vera1(1. AspenTech)
10:55 AM
  1. Friso Veenstra, Carmen Dumitrescu
    11:00 AM A Geologic Site Characterization Database for Aiding Class VI Permitting in the Greater Green River Basin of Wyoming
    L. J. Jackson1, A. Latrach3, J. Amato2, M. Johnson1(1. Center for Economic Geology Research, University of Wyoming; 2. University of Wyoming; 3. Energy & Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming)
    11:20 AM Optimizing AoR Delineation and CO2 Trapping in Gulf Coast CCS Projects
    K. Alokla*1, F. Yatte2, T. Blasingame1, W. Lee1(1. Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University; 2. Computer Modeling Group)
    11:40 AM 3D Permian Basin Faulted Petrophysical Model
    R. Dommisse*1, C. Kerans2, X. Janson1, B. Price3, I. Duncan1, F. Male4, L. Lake2, I. Dommisse5, A. Savvaidis1(1. Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin; 2. University of Texas at Austin; 3. Devon Energy; 4. Penn State University; 5. Petroleum Engineering, Texas Tech University)
  2. Seyyed Hosseini, Hema Siriwardane
    11:00 AM Microstructural Modeling of Cement Mechanical Properties Under Carbonation Reactions and Its Implications to Wellbore Integrity
    Z. Sun*1, R. Salazar-Tio1, A. Fager1, B. Crouse1(1. Dassault Systemes (Abaqus))
    11:20 AM Deep Learning-Accelerated Robust Optimization for Reducing Geomechanical Risks and Costs in CO2 Storage
    F. Zheng*1, M. Ma1, H. Viswanathan1, R. Pawar1, B. Jha2, B. Chen1(1. Los Alamos National Laboratory; 2. University of Southern California)
    11:40 AM Evaluating the Impact of Stress-Induced Changes on Caprock Integrity in the San Juan Basin
    N. Nimo Yeboah1, W. Ampomah1, D. Bui1, A. Amosu1(1. Petroleum, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology)
  3. Gabe Casanova, Oumer Tahir
    11:00 AM Innovative Application of Bismuth Alloy Plugs for CCS Well Remediation in the Irish Sea
    P. Carragher*1, D. Talapatra1(1. BiSN, Houston)
    11:20 AM Restart of Injection Operations in CCUS Wells: Thermal Impacts and Well Design Considerations
    A. R. McSpadden1, R. Trevisan1, J. A. Howard1, A. S. Halal2(1. Altus Well Experts, Inc.; 2. Nexus Geothermal, Inc.)
    11:40 AM Advanced Technology to Capture CO2 from Exhaust for Injection or Transport to Commercial Markets
    J. Guoynes*1, T. Kreuz2, D. Stiles1, G. Pritchard2(1. Product Development, Axip Energy Services; 2. National Fuel Gas)
  4. Onno van Kessel
    Panelist Juan Agudelo, Welligence Energy Analytics
    Panelist Greg Matlock, EY
    Panelist Rodney Garrard, Arch Insurance International
    Panelist Carolyn Seto, S&P Commodity Insights
1:35 PM
  1. David Hume, Autumn Haagsma
    1:40 PM CO2-Brine Relative Permeability Using a Multi-rate Unsteady State Method
    J. Walls1, E. Ahmed1, J. Reed*1, A. Mitra1(1. PremierCorex)
    2:00 PM Analog Selection and Project Comparison Using Offshore Carbon Storage Project Inventory and Data
    J. Mulhern*1, M. Mark-Moser1, K. Rose1(1. National Energy Technology Lab)
    2:20 PM Fracture Network Quantification for Enhanced Reservoir Characterization in CO2 Storage Sites
    A. Kumar1, W. Harbert1, E. Myshakin1, G. Liu*1, L. Cunha1, H. Siriwardane1(1. DOE NETL)
    2:40 PM Physicochemical Interactions Between Carbonates/Brine/CO2 and their Impact on Residual Trapping: Application for CO2 Geo-Storage
    J. Mouallem*1, M. Arif1, M. Motiur1, A. Raza2, M. Mahmoud2(1. Petroleum Engineering, Khalifa University; 2. Petroleum Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals)
  2. Jenny Joyce, Carmen Dumitrescu
    1:40 PM Assessing the Impact of Proximal Geological Carbon Storage Projects on Basin Capacity and Risks: A Hypothetical Case Study Based on Sacramento Basin
    A. Zibitsker*1, B. Schmidt1, N. Castelletto1, J. Iyer1(1. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
    2:00 PM A Review of Class VI Well Applications: Insights into Data Acquisition, Risk, and Uncertainty for Improved Risk Characterization and Program Flexibility
    R. Frohman*1, J. Eleson2(1. C^3; 2. Sproule)
    2:20 PM Knowledge Transfer from Underground Natural Gas Storage and CO2 EOR to CCS
    E. Agartan Karacaer1, J. Mozelewski1, T. Firincioglu1(1. Nitec LLC)
    2:40 PM Concepts and Strategies to Evaluate and Optimize the Planning for a Carbon Capture and Storage Process in Stratified Carbonate Formations
    M. J. Aikman1, H. J. Parra1, A. Martinez2, R. Jellema2(1. Thamama Energy Center, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, Abu Dhabi; 2. Low Carbon and International Growth, ADNOC)
  3. Kate Ryan, Ross Harrison
    1:40 PM Planning the ‘Yes-able’ Permit – Insights from EPA Technical Reviews on Class VI Project Testing and Monitoring Approaches
    S. Fuchs*1(1. Geosyntec Consultants)
    2:00 PM Implementing Financial Assurance for Class VI Emergency Remedial Response Actions
    Z. Finnigan*1, N. A. Azzolina1, L. L. Jacobson1, A. Zandy1, M. P. Warmack1, K. C. Connors1(1. Energy & Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota)
    2:20 PM Regulatory Considerations for Mineralization Storage
    S. DiRaddo*1, M. Villante1, S. Baek1, E. Polites2, N. Lahiri1, H. Stanfield1, Q. Miller1, T. Schaef1, C. Davidson1(1. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; 2. University of Wyoming)
    2:40 PM Strategies for Evaluating Threshold Pressures Used in Determining the Area of Review
    A. Bean*1(1. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI))
  4. Izaak Ruiz, Carlos Uroza
    1:40 PM Case Study: Orientated Perforating in a Large Diameter Wellbore Using Tubing Conveyed Perforating in Conjunction with Fiber Optic Cable
    J. W. Cron1, W. Armstrong1, Z. Liu2, C. Stevens2, R. Hill3, C. Bourgeois4(1. Geostock Sandia; 2. Harvestone; 3. Thru Tubing Solutions; 4. DarkVision Technologies, Inc)
    2:00 PM Supporting Offshore CCS Pilot Scale Injection with Spot Seismic – Greensand Pilot
    H. S. Al Khatib1, J. Mari1, E. Morgan1, T. Roth2(1. SpotLight; 2. Wintershall DEA)
    2:20 PM Early Adoption of CCUS Projects Using Class II Well Projects: Case Study Western USA
    R. S. Balch1, M. Eales2, J. Fonquergne1(1. Petroleum Recovery Research Center, New Mexico Tech; 2. Cool sky Energy LLC)
    2:40 PM First CO2 Sequestration in a Carbonate Saline Aquifer – Case Study Onshore Abu Dhabi
    J. Mason*1, H. J. Parra1, G. Cambois1, J. Cowell1, O. Kirstetter1, A. Martinez1, R. Jellema1(1. ADNOC)
3:35 PM
  1. David Hume, Autumn Haagsma
    3:40 PM Understanding Sleipner's Pre-Injection Geology Using Stratigraphic Continuity and Apparent Time Thickness Attributes: New Insights into CO2 Storage and Migration
    B. O. Nwafor1, J. Castagna1, R. Van Eykenhof2(1. Earth and Atmospheric Science, University of Houston; 2. Lumina Geophysical)
    4:00 PM Otway Stage 4 CCS Project: Recharacterization of the Tidal Depositional System for Parasequence 2 of the Paaratte Formation, Australia
    N. Pearson*1, I. Barranco1(1. Technology Center, Chevron)
    4:20 PM Reservoir Characterization in the Frio Formation and Lower Miocene Sequences for CO2 Storage in Southwestern Louisiana
    A. Coker2, J. S. Herrera*1, K. Doupé3, E. Link1, K. Foust1, S. Dasgupta1(1. slb; 2. VerdeCo2; 3. VerdeCo2)
    4:40 PM Quantitative Seismic Stratigraphy and Deep Learning Reservoir Characterization of the Canyon-Cisco Salt Creek Field, Horseshoe Atoll, Permian Basin
    R. Dommisse*1, C. Kerans2, F. Male3(1. Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin; 2. University of Texas at Austin; 3. Penn State University)
  2. Seyyed Hosseini, Rita Okoroafor Esuru
    3:40 PM Numerical Investigation of CO2 Solubility Enhancement by Various Injection Schemes for Geological Carbon Storage in Saline Aquifers Utilizing Input Data from Experiments
    B. Dindoruk1, J. A. Benavides Arancibia1, M. Ahmed*1(1. petroleum, University of Houston)
    4:00 PM Discussing Demigration Uncertainties Applied to Active Focused Seismic Monitoring
    B. Penot*1, B. Webb2, M. Buia2, G. Dell’Elce2, K. Gestin1, F. Duret1(1. SpotLight Earth; 2. ENI)
    4:20 PM Geomodelling for Class VI Well Application: Lessons Learned from the San Juan Basin CarbonSAFE Project
    N. Moodie*1, D. Ulmer Scholle2, L. Martin3, W. Ampomah2(1. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Utah / Energy and Geoscience Institute; 2. New Mexico Tech; 3. New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources)
    4:40 PM Evaluation of Long-term Rate and Pressure Data to Characterize Injection Performance and Conformance at a Class 6 (CCUS) Site
    A. E. Klingensmith1, D. J. Collins1(1. Geology, Geostock Sandia)
  3. Mohamed Mehana, Guoxiang Liu
    3:40 PM Investigating CO2-EOR and CO2 Storage at the Salt Creek Oil Field Using Wireline Logs, Core Analysis, Geological Modelling, and Dynamic Simulations
    R. Ness*1, L. Fritz1, B. Roth1, D. Riestenberg1, G. J. Koperna1, N. Jones2(1. Advanced Resources International, Inc.; 2. Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute)
    4:00 PM Extended CO2 EOR Pilot in Tight, Carbonate Reservoir: Results and Interpretation
    M. R. Al Lawati1, S. Al Baloshi1, A. Al-Wahaibi1, R. Valdez*1(1. CCUS & LCF, Petroleum Development of Oman, Al Khuwair)
    4:20 PM Miscible Ascending Dispersion: EOR Unlocks Asset Potential in San Andres Through Horizontal Well CO2 Injection
    J. Hawkins1, A. D. Bell1, O. Cortez*2, B. Westcott2, I. El-sayed2, J. Bennett2, C. Michael2, M. Rangel2, C. Inyang2(1. Roosevelt Resources; 2. DSS, SLB)
    4:40 PM The CO2-EOR Landscape in the Permian Basin and a Comparison to Permanent Sequestration
    G. Bain1, J. Jen1, B. Johnston*1(1. Enverus, Calgary)
  4. Izaak Ruiz, Eleine Vence
    3:40 PM 3, 2, 1… Liftoff: Developing Methods for Commercial Deployment Through DOE’s Carbon Transport and Storage Program
    A. Raddatz*1, G. Rosen1, S. Leung1(1. US DOE)
    4:00 PM Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE): Catalyzing Deployment of Large-Scale Carbon Storage
    T. Rodosta*1, A. Raddatz1, G. Rosen1, B. Aljoe2(1. Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, U.S. Department of Energy; 2. National Energy Technology Laboratory)
    4:20 PM A Road Map for Growth of Commercial CCUS Projects in the Upper Great Plains and Northwestern Regions of North America
    K. C. Connors1, K. Anagnost1, D. M. Hillix1, C. Olsen1(1. Energy & Environmental Research Center)
    4:40 PM Regional Carbon Initiative for CO2 Management in Basalt: CaRBTAP
    R. Middleton*1, A. O'Rourke2, T. Atkinson5, R. Day-Stirrat3, T. Schaef4, L. Florea6, Z. Strong7(1. Carbon Solutions; 2. Carbon Containment Lab; 3. Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries; 4. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; 5. Idaho National Laboratory; 6. Washington Geological Survey; 7. Washington State University)
9:00 AM
  1. George R. Brown Convention Center
    9:00 AM CO2 Injectivity and Near-Well Conformance in Saline Reservoirs: Insights from Well and Completion Design Study
    A. Shedbale*1, Z. Li2, V. Gupta2(1. ExxonMobil Services & Technology Private Limited, Bangalore; 2. ExxonMobil Technology & Engineering Company)
    9:00 AM Casing and Tubing Design for CCS Wells: A Review of Critical Scenarios
    H. Costeno Enriquez1, F. X. Feng1, G. Duque1, A. Vasper1, S. Dyer1(1. SLB)
    9:00 AM Well Design of Re-Entry Wells for Carbon Sequestration with Enhanced Gas Recovery
    I. A. Kalil1, S. Houston2, R. Logsdon2, C. Dewitt2, A. R. McSpadden1, R. Trevisan1(1. Altus Well Experts; 2. Contango Resources)
    9:00 AM Application of Ionic Liquid-Based Inhibitors for Steels in Supercritical CO2 Environment
    R. Nguele*1, H. Riggs2, C. Graff3, B. Sheets2(1. Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks; 2. Petroleum Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks; 3. Alyeschem, LLC)
    9:00 AM CO2 Streams Captured from Industrial Processes and Corrosion of Steel Pipelines
    Z. Belarbi*1, K. Rozman1, O. Dogan1(1. National Energy Technology Laboratory)
    9:00 AM Unified SimCCS Platform for Decision-Making in Carbon Capture, Transport, and Storage Infrastructure
    B. Chen*1, M. Ma1, B. Ahmmed1, Q. Guo1, I. Jahan1, M. James1, W. Li1, M. Mehana1, M. Meng1, R. Pratt1, M. Velasco Lozano1, R. Pawar1(1. Los Alamos National Laboratory)
    9:00 AM CO2 Impurities and CO2 Specification for CCS Business
    A. Faanes*1, A. Fahmi1, J. Sæten1, S. Høiset1, A. Halvorsen1, S. Hesjevik1(1. Equinor ASA)
    9:00 AM Leveraging Multimodal CO2 Transportation for Large-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage Deployment
    M. Ma*1, Q. Guo1, M. James1, B. Chen1(1. Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  2. George R. Brown Convention Center
    9:00 AM Laboratory Investigation of Wall Creek Formation Performance on Combined Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage within the Residual Oil Zone Fairways of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming
    Y. Yu*2, T. Bai2, R. Ness1, L. Fritz1, Z. Jiao2, F. McLaughlin2, S. Quillinan2, N. Jones3(1. Advanced Resources International, Inc.; 2. School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming; 3. Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute)
    9:00 AM Best Laid Plans: Comparing and Contrasting Subpart RR MRV Plans with UIC Injection Permits
    D. Kingham*1, K. C. Niamike1, L. Molofsky1, T. McGuire1(1. GSI Environmental Inc.)
    9:00 AM Geochemical Effects and CO2-Rock Interactions in the Bakken Formation: Implications for Enhanced Oil Recovery and Carbon Storage
    A. Larbi*1(1. Energy and Petroleum Engineering, University of North Dakota)
    9:00 AM Optimization of CO2 Injection in Depleted Gas Reservoirs
    G. S. Abe1, D. Meehan1(1. Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station)
  3. George R. Brown Convention Center
    9:00 AM Active Source Sparse Imaging Using Permanent SADAR Arrays
    D. Quigley1, P. A. Nyffenegger*2, K. D. Hutchenson1, J. Yelton1(1. Quantum Technology Sciences, Geospace Technologies Corp; 2. Geospace Technologies)
    9:00 AM Real-Time CO2 Leakage Detection from Plugged and Abandoned Wells: Integrating Near-Surface Monitoring with Machine Learning
    S. Bakhshian*1, A. Chavoshi2, H. Dashtian3, M. Haddad3, S. Hovorka3(1. Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences , Rice University; 2. Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin; 3. Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin)
    9:00 AM Non-Intrusive Surface Heat Mapping for Detecting CO2 Leakage in P&A Wells
    M. Zeidouni*1, J. K. Pauyac Estrada1(1. Louisiana State University)
    9:00 AM Sensitivity of Seismic Properties to CO2 Saturation and Pore-Pressure in the Texas Gulf Coast
    R. Sabbagh Maciel1, A. Tura1(1. Geophysics, Colorado School of Mines)
    9:00 AM Effects of CO2 Phase State on Seismic Properties: Overview of Lab Testing on Cambrian Sands, Porous Carbonates, and Synthetic Rock
    D. R. Schmitt1, A. Wendel1, R. Kofman2, J. Nycz3(1. Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Department, Purdue University; 2. Consultant, Edmonton; 3. North American Helium, Calgary)
    9:00 AM DAS VSP Data Observed from Well Tubing Versus Well Casing on CO2 Injector and Monitor Wells
    O. A. Barrios1, M. Willis1, W. Blanchard1(1. Halliburton)
    9:00 AM An Integrated Approach to Risk-Based Monitoring for Geological Carbon Storage
    V. Vasylkivska*1, A. Hanna2, A. P. Kirol2, S. Salek1, L. Huang3, X. Yang4, Y. Tian4, E. Gasperikova5(1. National Energy Technology Laboratory; 2. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; 3. Los Alamos National Laboratory; 4. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; 5. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
    9:00 AM Enhancing 2D Legacy Seismic Data Value for CCS Monitoring Using Predictive Maintenance
    K. Gestin*1, H. S. Al Khatib1, S. Randazzo2, D. Katz2(1. SpotLight Earth; 2. Baker Hughes)
    9:00 AM A Decade (Plus) of InSAR Monitoring for Injection Operations - What Have We Done and Where Are We Going Next?
    C. Lucente*1(1. TRE Altamira, Vancouver)
  4. George R. Brown Convention Center
    9:00 AM Value of Pore Space for Carbon Capture and Storage
    R. Diby*1, D. Meehan1(1. Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University)
    9:00 AM Carbon-Led Growth - The Components of the $73 Billion Required to Build Out CCUS in the United States
    G. Bain1, J. Jen*1(1. Enverus, Calgary)
    9:00 AM A Novel CO2 Shipping Transport Cost Evaluation Model: Comprehensive and Customizable Evaluation for Offshore Storage
    Q. Guo*1, M. Ma1, B. Chen1(1. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Los Alamos National Laboratory)
    9:00 AM Optimal CO2 Transport and Storage Cost Screening: Application Example
    T. Warner1, D. J. Morgan1, C. Shih1, G. Liu*1, M. Mark-Moser1, D. Vikara1, L. Cunha1(1. DOE NETL)
    9:00 AM Debottlenecking the Computational Model Requirements by Analyzing EPA Reviews of Submitted Class VI Applications
    S. Tangirala*1, E. Torres1(1. Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.)
    9:00 AM Economic Evaluation of Geomechanical-Based Long-Duration Energy Storage: A Case Study in Permian Basin
    X. Xia*1, H. Zhang1(1. Ryder Scott Company)
    9:00 AM Techno Economic Evaluation of Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage Project in India
    P. K. Bansal1(1. Corporate Exploration Centre, ONGC ltd INDIA, New Delhi)
  5. George R. Brown Convention Center
    9:00 AM EDX disCO2ver, a New Digital Infrastructure Platform Aimed at Simplifying Carbon Transport and Storage Project Research
    P. Morkner*1, C. Rowan3, K. Kuhn2, T. Jones2, D. McFarland2, A. Maurice2, K. Rose1(1. National Energy Technology Laboratory; 2. AVN; 3. National Energy Technology Laboratory)
    9:00 AM Developing CCS Prospects Through Data-Driven Visualization
    R. Wilson*2, D. J. Hills1, B. Roth1(1. Advanced Resources International, Inc; 2. Dept of Geosciences, Virginia Tech)
    9:00 AM Challenges of Geologic Sequestration on BLM Lands
    D. G. Soutter1, P. Ashmore1(1. Subsurface Solutions, Burns & McDonnell)
  6. George R. Brown Convention Center
    9:00 AM A Physics-Guided Deep Learning Model for Quantitative Risk Assessment in Geologic CO2 Storage
    Z. Qin*1, M. Mehana1(1. Los Alamos National Laboratory)
    9:00 AM Bridging Models and Data: ML-Powered Forecasting for Carbon Storage Operations
    A. Hanna*1, A. P. Kirol1, I. Patel1, M. K. Mudunuru1, H. Siriwardane2(1. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; 2. National Energy Technology Laboratory)
    9:00 AM Stochastic Ensemble Generation for Improved Characterization of Representing Geologic Variability in a Reservoir: IBDP Case Study for SMART Initiative
    B. Petras*1, S. Skopec1, P. R. Ganesh1, H. Yoon2(1. Battelle; 2. Geomechanics Department, Sandia National Laboratories)
    9:00 AM Applications of Machine Learning for CCS Project Acceleration
    J. Zhou*1, A. Chandra2, Y. Li1, Y. Perez Claro1, L. Jia2, D. Dindoruk2(1. Stanford University; 2. Shell)
    9:00 AM Estimating CO2 Saturation in Subsurface Geologic Reservoirs Using Pre-Stack Seismic Attributes and Machine Learning
    P. A. Owusu1, R. Zhang1(1. SCHOOL OF GEOSCIENCES, University of Louisiana at Lafayette)
    9:00 AM FRACML: A Machine Learning Based Tool to Quantify Reservoir Scale Fracture Network for CO2 Storage
    A. Kumar1, W. Harbert1, G. Liu*1, L. Cunha1, H. Siriwardane1(1. DOE NETL)
    9:00 AM Streamlining Carbon Storage Data Integration and Real-Time Analysis with Machine Learning
    W. Wang1, J. Burghardt1, H. Siriwardane2, M. K. Mudunuru*1(1. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; 2. National Energy Technology Laboratory)
    9:00 AM CO2 Plume Imaging with Diverse Monitoring Data at the Illinois Basin-Decatur Carbon Sequestration Project Using an Accelerated Deep-Learning Approach
    T. Sakai*1, M. Nagao1, A. Datta-Gupta1(1. Petroleum Engineering Department, Texas A&M University)
    9:00 AM Imaging and Prediction of the CO2 Plume Migration from Sparse Monitoring Data Configurations Using Deep Learning Models
    Y. Liu*1, B. Jafarpour1(1. University of Southern California)
    9:00 AM Augmented Data Management for Subsurface CCUS Data Sets
    J. B. Kozman2, L. Pelegrin1, R. Blake3, J. Lamb3(1. Energy Digital Solutions, Iron Mountain; 2. Consulting, Katalyst Data Management; 3. Katalyst Data Management)
    9:00 AM Forecasting the Temporal Evolution of Carbon-Dioxide Plume Size During Geological Carbon Storage
    O. Talabi*1, M. Siddharth1, V. T. Kumar1, G. Ren1(1. Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University)
    9:00 AM Transforming Core Analysis with Core Digitalization and Machine Learning for Next-Generation Subsurface Insights in CCUS Projects
    T. Lhomme*1, C. Germay1, J. Omma2(1. EPSLOG; 2. Stratum Reservoir)
  7. George R. Brown Convention Center
    9:00 AM Sensitivity Analysis and Validation of the FluidFlower Benchmark Applied to CO2 Storage
    P. Ortega*1, R. Quevedo1, D. Roehl1, B. Carvalho2(1. Multiphysics Simulation and Modeling, The Tecgraf Institute of Technical-Scientific Software Development of PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro; 2. CENPES/PDIEP/GEO/GEM, Petrobras Research Center, Rio de Janeiro)
    9:00 AM AMIGO Project Overview
    D. Crandall*1, R. Dilmore1, G. Lackey1, G. Zambrano-Narvaez2, R. Chalaturnyk2, M. Livingstone3, G. Dolce3, S. Chen3, V. Wang3, I. Butynets4(1. US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory; 2. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton; 3. GLJ Ltd, Calgary; 4. Peyto Exploration & Development Corp., Calgary)
    9:00 AM ML-Powered Subsurface Interpretation: Transforming Geologic Carbon Storage with Data-Driven Insights
    A. P. Kirol1, A. Hanna1, I. Patel1, P. Wingo2, M. K. Mudunuru*1, H. Siriwardane2(1. Subsurface Science Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; 2. NETL)
    9:00 AM Comparative Assessment of Levelized Costs in Carbon Abatement Strategies
    J. Florez*1, J. D. Dedhia1, I. Karunagaran1(1. Genesis Energies)
    9:00 AM CO2 Storage Economic Analysis: CarbonSAFE Use Case
    D. J. Morgan1, K. Bello1, G. Liu*1, C. Shih1, T. Warner1, D. Vikara1, M. Mark-Moser1, L. Cunha1, J. Fonquergne2, A. Morgan2, A. D. Ameyaw2, G. El-kaseeh2, W. Ampomah2(1. DOE NETL; 2. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology)
    9:00 AM The Role of CCUS in Decarbonizing the Cement Industry: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Outlook
    D. Bodin*1(1. Energy, Ramboll)
    9:00 AM Regional Carbon Initiatives in Pakistan: Focus on Feasibility of Geological Storage of CO2
    S. Ahmed1, S. U. Rehman1, I. Ali1, W. Habib1(1. Oil and Gas Development Company Limited, Pakistan, Islamabad)
    9:00 AM Co-Optimizing Hydrogen, and Carbon Dioxide Infrastructure for Deep Decarbonization in Appalachia
    Q. Mehdi*1, R. Middleton1, J. Duque1, A. Harrison1, C. Upchurch1, A. Nasta2, M. Ives2, D. Wissmiller2(1. Carbon Solutions; 2. GTI Energy)
    9:00 AM Petrophysical and Geologic Characterization for Arbuckle Group
    B. Milad*1, F. Suriamin1, B. Allen1, C. Smith1, D. Sapardina1, J. Peng1, N. Hayman1(1. Oklahoma Geological Survey, University of Oklahoma)
    9:00 AM A Pilot Study of Hydrogen Production Unit Flue Gas Carbon Capture for Sequestration and Utilization
    L. Dobelle*1, H. K. Szentkuti1, S. Pina1, C. A. Cid1, R. Rogers1, W. Mo1, A. Gu1, C. D. Trang1(1. Mitico)
9:20 AM
  1. Juan Herrera, Victor Cimino
    9:25 AM Experimental Characterization of the Undrained Response of Caprock During CO2 Breakthrough
    S. Park1, H. Choi2, K. Kim*1(1. Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University; 2. Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University)
    9:45 AM Engineered Precipitation Geo-Barriers via Transverse Mixing for CO2 Storage
    M. Awarkeh*1, K. Kim1, R. M. Younis1, J. Lu2(1. Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University; 2. University of Tulsa)
    10:05 AM In-Situ Geo-Barriers for Enhanced Geologic Carbon Storage: A Simulation Study
    D. Kim*1, O. Alharbi1, R. M. Younis1, K. Kim1, J. Lu2(1. Texas A&M University; 2. University of Tulsa)
  2. Sahar Bakhshian, Seyyed Hosseini
    9:25 AM Dynamics of Permeability Changes in CO2 Saturated Brine Injection: An Integrated Modeling Approach
    F. Tale1, A. Abdulwarith*1, B. Dindoruk1(1. Petroleum Engineering, University of Houston)
    9:45 AM Subsurface Modeling and CO2-Brine Interactions in a Saline Aquifer, Bredasdorp Basin, South Africa
    B. A. Afolayan1, E. Mackay2, M. Opuwari1(1. Department of Earth Sciences, University of the Western Cape, South Africa, Cape Town; 2. Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering, Heriot-Watt University)
    10:05 AM Reactive Transport Modeling of Supercritical CO2 Injected into Fractured Basaltic Formations
    P. Lu*1, M. Chen2, L. Gong2, C. Zhu2(1. Saudi Aramco; 2. Indiana University)
  3. Bo Ren, Mohamed Mehana
    9:25 AM Investigating CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery and Associated Storage in Fractured Reservoirs of the Williston Basin
    J. Zhao*1, L. Jin1, N. Bosshart1, C. Wu1, J. Sorensen1, K. Ling2(1. Energy & Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota; 2. Energy & Petroleum Engineering, University of North Dakota)
    9:45 AM Supercritical CO2 Foam Stability and Mobility for Enhanced Oil Recovery and CCUS: Experimental Evaluation in Simulated Reservoir Conditions
    A. Tajik*1, A. Wileman1, S. Wheeler1, L. Morris1, Y. Samarkin2, M. Prodanovic2, D. DiCarlo2(1. Fluids Engineering Department, Mechanical Engineering Division, Southwest Research Institute; 2. Hildebrand Austin Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, University of Texas at Austin)
    10:05 AM Enhancing Aqueous Nanobubble Dispersion of CO2 by Organic Carbonate Additives for Enhanced Oil Recovery
    H. Wang1, R. Okuno*1(1. Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin)
  4. Matthias Imhof, Hema Siriwardane
    9:25 AM Generative AI Application to Legacy Well Assessment in CCUS
    Z. Dong1, Q. Su1, L. dos Santos1, J. Chen1, L. Lu1, I. Folmar*1(1. Shell USA, Inc.)
    9:45 AM An Open-Source, Machine Learning-Informed, Geospatial-Driven Tool for Identifying and Evaluating CO2 Transport Routes
    L. Romeo*1, S. Leveckis2, B. Houghton2, M. C. Gao2, D. Zaengle2, C. Schooley2, K. Rose1, J. Bauer1(1. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory; 2. Leidos)
    10:05 AM Streamlining Your CCS Permit Application Using Generative AI
    Y. Agbor*1, D. Tishechkin1(1. Amazon Web Services)
10:55 AM
  1. Aaditya Khanal, Sahar Bakhshian
    11:00 AM Unlocking Tight Gas Recovery: Microscale CO2 Injection and Displacement Dynamics
    Y. Jia*1, Z. Liu1(1. Exploration and Production Research Institute, Sinopec)
    11:20 AM Cost-Effective Carbon Sequestration: Evaluating Liquid vs. Supercritical CO2 in Deep Aquifers
    J. K. Pauyac Estrada1, M. Zeidouni1(1. Petroleum Engineering, Louisiana State University)
    11:40 AM CCUS System Optimization: The Role of Integrated Subsurface-Surface Modeling
    D. Shah*1, G. Hegde1, S. KV1, D. Hegazy1, H. Qualman1, A. Santiago Torres1(1. Wood Plc.)
  2. Ali Tura, Erkan Ay
    11:00 AM Legacy Well Flow Modeling for Leakage Risk Assessment
    S. Bhagwat1, P. Shandilya*2, V. Gupta1(1. ExxonMobil Technology & Engineering Co.; 2. ExxonMobil Services & Technology Private Limited, Bangalore)
    11:20 AM Quantitative Assessment of Risk of Legacy P&A Wells in CO2 Storage – A Case Study in Offshore Europe
    S. Patterson*1, S. Degroote1, M. Sefat2(1. TotalEnergies; 2. Heriot Watt University)
    11:40 AM Delineating Area of Review for Class VI Carbon Sequestration Wells: Lessons from Class I Hazardous Waste Precedents
    J. Walker*2, D. Gallagher1(1. Geostock Sandia; 2. WSP)
  3. Nihal Darraj, Ross Harrison
    11:00 AM From Policy to Profit - The Quest to FID
    A. Lafreniere*1, F. Morin1(1. McDaniel, Calgary)
    11:20 AM Business Models for Carbon Capture and Utilization: A Case Study in Finland
    A. Agbejule*1, M. Makelä1(1. Department of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Vaasa Unversity of Applied Sciences, Vaasa)
    11:40 AM CCUS Commercialization Strategies
    G. Bain1, J. Jen*1(1. Enverus, Calgary)
  4. Danielle Kingham
    Panelist Laura Sorey, Louisiana Department of Energy and Natural Resources
    Panelist Lily Barkau, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
    Panelist James Dunlap, ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions
    Panelist Zach Liu, Harvestone Low Carbon Partners
1:35 PM
  1. Friso Veenstra, Juan Herrera
    1:40 PM Pressure and AoR Assessment for Multiple CCS Projects within the Same Geological Setting Using EASiTool
    Z. W. Wang1, S. A. Hosseini1, A. P. Bump1(1. Bureau of Economic Geology, UT Austin)
    2:00 PM Developing a Spatial Database of Basin-Scale Structural Features to Support Carbon Storage Resource Assessments
    D. Justman1, S. Pantaleone1, J. Oliver1, S. Leveckis1, C. G. Creason*1, K. Rose1(1. National Energy Technology Laboratory)
    2:20 PM U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) Geologic Storage International Partnerships with Emerging Economies
    G. Rosen*1, M. Antes1, S. Leung1, A. Raddatz1(1. Fossil Energy & Carbon Management, US Department of Energy)
    2:40 PM Basin Scale Evaluation of the Impact of Pressure Interference on the Performance of Geological Carbon Storage
    H. A. Chellal1, A. P. Indro2, Q. Kang2, M. Mehana2(1. Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory; 2. Energy and Natural Resources Security, Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  2. Gabe Casanova, Manoj Valluri
    1:40 PM Impact of Chemical Reaction Between CO2 and Portland Cement on Zonal Isolation: A Critical Review and New Data with Implications for Legacy Well Integrity and CCS Injector Well Cement Selection
    T. Wolterbeek*1, P. Kriesels1, A. Ardill1, O. Tucker1(1. Shell Global Solutions International B.V.)
    2:00 PM Corrosion Control in Carbon Storage Through CO2-Formate Alternating Injection
    D. Sevindik1, O. Oyenowo1, R. Okuno*1(1. Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin)
    2:20 PM Experimental Program to Evaluate Cement Formulations for CCS Applications
    Q. Wu*1, D. Stiles2, V. Gupta1(1. ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering Company; 2. ExxonMobil Upstream Company)
    2:40 PM CO2 Injector Well Design – Learnings and Initiatives to Design High Reliability Injectors While Lowering Unit Technical Cost
    J. Lollini*1(1. Wells Engineering, Shell)
  3. Shuvajit Bhattacharya, Yanhua Yuan
    1:40 PM Forecasting Post-Injection CO2 Flow Dynamics with Fourier Neural Operators
    H. Zhou*1, F. Mortier2, B. Samuelsen2, B. Hegstad2, A. Pontén2(1. Equinor US Operations; 2. Equinor ASA)
    2:00 PM Improved Temporal Prediction of Saturation and Pressure in Modified MeshGraphNets Models During Injection of CO2 in the Subsurface
    P. S. Holcomb1, A. Sun1, C. Shih2, G. Liu2, H. Siriwardane3(1. Support Contractor, National Energy Technology Lab; 2. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL); 3. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL))
    2:20 PM Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Surrogate Models for Accelerating CO2 Storage Modeling Scenarios Over 1000 Years
    A. Chandra*1, S. Pawar1, M. Koch2, A. Panda1, K. Azizzadenesheli2, J. Snippe1, F. Alpak1, F. Hariri2, C. Etienam2, P. Devarakota1, A. Anandkumar3, D. Hohl1(1. Shell; 2. NVIDIA; 3. Caltech)
    2:40 PM Deep Learning-Based Surrogate Model for Efficient Reservoir Simulation in Large-scale Geological Carbon Storage: Application in IBDP Dataset
    H. Wang*1, S. A. Hosseini1(1. Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin)
  4. Joel Le Calvez, Kristoffer Walker
    1:40 PM Time-Lapse Monitoring of CO2 Sequestration: 1D Visco-elastic Waveform Inversion Applied to Distributed Acoustic Sensing-Acquired Zero Offset Vertical Seismic Profile – a Feasibility Study
    Y. Chen*1, T. Mizuno1, J. Le Calvez1(1. SLB)
    2:00 PM Persistent Microseismic Monitoring Using Robust Permanent SADAR Arrays
    K. D. Hutchenson2, J. Jennings1, E. B. Grant1, D. C. Quigley1, J. Yelton1, P. A. Nyffenegger2(1. Quantum Technology Sciences, Geospace Technologies Corp; 2. Geospace Technologies)
    2:20 PM Testing of Different Vertical Source EM Geophysical Configurations for Monitoring Subsurface Carbon Storage
    D. Alumbaugh*1, E. Um1, G. Moe2, M. Macquet3(1. Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; 2. Zonge International; 3. Carbon Management Canada, Calgary)
    2:40 PM Numerical Modeling and Experimental Validation of Nanomaterial-Coated Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors for CO2 Monitoring
    F. Jyoti*1, S. Mishra2, M. R. Gartia3, J. Sharma1(1. Department of Petroleum Enginnering, Louisiana State University; 2. SRCOM, CTTC; 3. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Louisiana State University)
3:35 PM
  1. Julie O'Leary, Martin Ma
    3:40 PM Experimental Investigation of the Impact of CO2 Storage on Interfacial Tension and Rock Properties in Sandstone Reservoirs and Saline Aquifers
    M. Ahmed*1, D. M. Paker1, B. Dindoruk1(1. Petroleum Engineering, University of Houston)
    4:00 PM Impact of Mineral Spatial Distribution on CO2 Dissolution Rates in Multimineral Carbonate Rocks
    O. Adedipe*1, Y. Al-Khulaifi1, Q. Lin1, M. Blunt1, B. Bijeljic1(1. Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London)
    4:20 PM Novel Techniques of Carbon Capture Monitoring: Geochemical Studies Based on CO2-Brine-Rock Interactions for CO2 Sequestration
    G. C. Thakur1, M. Khan1, S. Siddiqui1(1. Petroleum Engineering, University of Houston)
    4:40 PM Investigating Study of Near-Wellbore Injectivity Characteristic of Carbonate CO2 Sequestration Reservoir In Saline Aquifers
    A. A. Alarawi*1, A. AL Moajil1, A. Alghamdi1, J. Rubeh1(1. EXPEC ARC, Saudi Aramco)
  2. Heather Quevedo, Zach Liu
    3:40 PM Evidence of Seal Integrity and Internal Baffling Using Fluid Inclusion Analysis on Legacy Cuttings from the Illinois Basin Decatur Project
    S. Cowan*1, B. Hill1, J. Chao1, W. Phiukhao1, D. Hall2(1. SLB; 2. FIC)
    4:00 PM Structural Characterization and Fault Slip Potential of Basement-Involved Structures in the Illinois Basin: An Evaluation in the Context of CO2 Storage
    O. Babarinde*1, K. Taft1(1. Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute)
    4:20 PM NRAP Recommended Practices for Least Principal Stress (“Fracture Pressure”) Characterization at Geologic Carbon Storage Sites
    J. Burghardt*1, D. Appriou1, W. Wang1, R. Dilmore2, K. Kroll3(1. Earth and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; 2. National Energy Technology Laboratory; 3. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
    4:40 PM CO2 Storage Risk Assessment in Large-Scale Industrial Projects: In Salah Case Study
    O. Dufour*1, F. Bourgeois1, C. BA1, S. Grelaud1, L. Pauget1(1. TotalEnergies, PAU)
  3. Mohamed Mehana, Scott Singleton
    3:40 PM FAG: Alternating Injection of CO2 and Aqueous Formate Solution for Maximizing Carbon Storage and Oil Recovery
    A. Mirzaei-Paiaman*1, R. Okuno2, L. Moscardelli1(1. Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin; 2. Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin)
    4:00 PM Transitioning CO2-EOR Field to Dedicated CO2 Storage: Risk Considerations and Quantifications
    G. Liu*1, M. Rezkalla1, R. Dilmore1, M. Mehana1, D. J. Morgan1, L. Cunha1, B. Strazisar1(1. DOE NETL)
    4:20 PM CCS to CCUS: Continuing Carbon Storage with CO2 EOR Post 45Q
    M. Wallace*1(1. Advanced Resources International)
    4:40 PM Class II to Class VI Program Conversion: Preparation of Continued Sequestration in Existing EOR Fields
    V. Cimino*1, C. Douglas1, D. Davis1(1. Burns & McDonnell)
  4. Hoang Phuong, Camelia Knapp
    3:40 PM Reviewing Geological Modeling and Simulation Approaches to Delineate Area of Review in Class VI Permits: Lessons Learned
    S. Raziperchikolaee*1(1. Battelle Carbon Services, Battelle Memorial Institute)
    4:00 PM Underground Injection Operational Envelope Determination - Calibration and Upscaling Best Practice
    A. Simone*1, R. Patterson2, M. Garcia1, R. Decesari1(1. Ryder Scott Company; 2. MetaRock Laboratories)
    4:20 PM Dark Fiber DAS in a CCS Feld – The Processing and Imaging Challenges
    H. Moore*1, K. Liao1, F. Oggioni1, M. Probst1, E. B. Raknes2, P. Dhelie2(1. Viridien; 2. AkerBP)
    4:40 PM Emerging Challenges for CCUS Deployment in the Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative (MRCI) Region
    N. Gupta*1, M. E. Kelley1, J. Sminchak1, P. R. Ganesh1(1. Battelle)
8:15 AM
  1. 8:15 AM CCS Project Evolution S. Saltzer*1(1. Stanford Center for Carbon Storage, Stanford University)
9:20 AM
  1. Alex Martinez, Stephanie Nwoko
    9:25 AM Understanding the Key Controls on CO2 Sequestration in the Wilcox Group, Onshore Texas, USA: Modelling a Deep USDW and Overpressure Constraints
    C. A. Uroza1, S. Bhattacharya1, S. Hovorka1(1. Bureau of Economic Geology)
    9:45 AM Preliminary Screening Approach to Support Carbon Sequestration Efforts in Kansas
    B. R. Bream1, S. Bhattacharjee1, M. White1, J. Gumble1(1. Kansas Geological Survey)
    10:05 AM Geologic Carbon Storage Potential in Utah: Test Cases from the Colorado Plateau to the Great Basin
    G. St Pierre1, L. Bailey2, J. Ogland-Hand2, E. Szymanski1, M. Vanden Berg1(1. Energy and Minerals, Utah Geological Survey; 2. Carbon Solutions)
  2. Erkan Ay, Kirsten Bannister
    9:25 AM A Practical Application of Stochastic Simulations Workflow to Fast-Track CCS Development
    H. Mulyadi*1, S. Thibeau1, S. Mochiji2(1. CCS, TotalEnergies, Perth; 2. Inpex)
    9:45 AM Quantifying Low Frequency, High Impact Events in Carbon Storage Projects
    P. D. Carragher1, R. Constable2, C. Jenkins1, P. Pestman1(1. Rose & Associates LLP; 2. Constable Energy Consulting)
    10:05 AM Basin-Scale Risk Assessment for Safe Deployment of Carbon Storage: Evaluating Geomechanical, Seismic, and Leakage Hazards in the Illinois Basin
    J. de Toledo Camargo1, R. Haagenson1, J. Wang2, N. Mitchell2, G. Lackey2, P. Morkner2, C. G. Creason2, E. Kutsienyo1, D. Appriou1(1. Pacific Northwest National Lab; 2. National Energy Technology Lab)
  3. Katerina Yared, Manoj Valluri
    9:25 AM Advancing CCUS in Developing Countries
    G. J. Koperna2, I. Ombudstvedt*1, P. Prasad3(1. IOM Law; 2. Advanced Resources International; 3. Department of Commerce)
    9:45 AM Development of Community and Stakeholder Engagement Strategies and Benefits Plan to Support the Advancement of CCUS in Michigan
    A. Haagsma*1, S. Greenberg2(1. Michigan Geological Survey; 2. Sallie Greenberg Consulting)
    10:05 AM Community Acceptance of CCUS Projects: Lessons from Leading Projects
    E. Snelling*1(1. Stantec Consulting Services)
  4. Kristoffer Walker, Michel Verliac
    9:25 AM Implications of Carbon Dioxide-Methane Interaction on Time-Lapse Seismic Interpretation and Modeling
    S. Torset*1, S. S. Abdelkareem2, A. L. Morosov3(1. Equinor; 2. Equinor; 3. Equinor)
    9:45 AM Improved Microseismic Monitoring at the Quest CO2 Storage Facility with Cluster Analysis of Trimmed Spectrograms (CATS)
    W. Fadil*1, S. Grubas1, M. van der Baan1(1. Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton)
    10:05 AM Dynamic Reservoir Modeling and Real-Time Monitoring for Optimizing CO2 Sequestration Strategies
    H. Behmanesh*1, M. Macquet1, K. Osadetz1, D. Lawton1(1. CMC, Calgary)
10:55 AM
  1. Alex Martinez, Julie O'Leary
    11:00 AM Field-Scale Validation of Stochastic Fault Multiphase Properties
    L. Salo-Salgado*1, S. Giles2, N. Harkins2, L. Lun2, R. Juanes1(1. Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT; 2. ExxonMobil)
    11:20 AM Uncertainty Assessment Methodology for Defining the Area of Review (AoR) in CO2 Injection Wells
    G. S. Oliveira1, D. Mercado2, V. Lara3(1. CMG; 2. CMG; 3. CMG)
    11:40 AM Fault Stability Assessment Workflows for CCS Projects During Screening, Development and Injection Phases
    I. Barranco*1, S. Sarmiento2, J. Adachi2(1. Lower Carbon Geology, Chevron Technical Center; 2. Structure, Seal & Trap, Chevron Technical Center)
  2. Bo Ren, Scott Singleton
    11:00 AM Rapid Prediction of Early-Stage CO2 Injectivity in Saline Reservoirs
    Z. Li*1, A. Shedbale2, C. Shuchart1, C. Mayer1, V. Gupta1(1. ExxonMobil Technology & Engineering Company; 2. ExxonMobil Services & Technology Private Limited)
    11:20 AM The Effect of Capillary Pressure Heterogeneity on Fluid Flow in Porous Media
    N. Darraj*1, C. Spurin2, S. Manoorkar3, M. Blunt1, R. Pini1, S. Krevor1(1. Imperial College London; 2. Stanford University; 3. Ghent University)
    11:40 AM Acoustic-Based Injectivity Monitoring at the Perforation Scale
    J. Ma*1, G. Wilson1, R. DeHart2, J. McGregor2, M. Jaaskelainen1(1. Halliburton; 2. JET Research Center)
  3. Michel Verliac, Joel Le Calvez
    11:00 AM Modern Phenomenological Methods and Correlations for Estimating Density and Sonic Velocity of Liquid, Gas, and Supercritical CO2 for Enhanced Assessment of Borehole Acoustic and Seismic Measurements
    A. P. Garcia1, K. Walker*1, P. Theologou1(1. Chevron Technical Center)
    11:20 AM Illuminating CO2 Plume Dynamics in Stiff Heterogenous Onshore Reservoirs: 4D Time Shift Analysis
    I. Bukar*1, R. Bell1, A. Muggeridge1, S. Krevor1(1. Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London)
    11:40 AM A Successful Case Study of CO2 Saturation Imaging Using Surface Based Electromagnetics
    T. Pugh*1(1. ESG Solutions)
  4. Samantha Neades
    Panelist Fawz Naim, Ohio State University
    Panelist Ali Tura, Colorado School of Mines
    Panelist Camelia Knapp, Oklahoma State University
    Panelist Divya Shah, Wood
1:35 PM
  1. Carmen Dumitrescu, Stephanie Nwoko
    1:40 PM U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Expansion of Carbon Storage Opportunities Through Mineralization Approaches
    S. Leung*1, G. Rosen1, A. Raddatz1(1. U.S. Department of Energy)
    2:00 PM A Quick Way to Evaluate the Effect of CO2 Impurities on Caprock Performance for Carbon Capture and Storage Projects
    Y. C. Araujo1, B. C. Harrell1, G. C. Herrera1(1. Westport Technology Center, Intertek)
    2:20 PM Basin-Level Carbon Sequestration Analysis: A Comparative Study in Data Poor and Data Rich Areas on the Pacific OCS
    K. Baldwin*1, E. Huchzermeyer1, O. Racicot1, K. Smith1, N. Mondegari1, C. Ojukwu1(1. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management)
    2:40 PM Numerical Evaluation of Different Physical Mechanisms on Geological Carbon Storage in Saline Aquifers
    C. Jia*1, J. Hu1, S. Kamy1(1. The University of Texas at Austin)
  2. Rita Okoroafor Esuru, Aaditya Khanal
    1:40 PM Towards an Integrated Open-Source Modeling Tool for Dense-Phase CO2 Transport and Decompression in Wellbore and Pipelines
    P. Bhuvankar*1, A. Cihan1(1. Energy Geoscience Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
    2:00 PM Characterizing Flow Paths in Peridotite Formations for CO2 Sequestration: Hydro-Mechanical Modelling of Pilot Tests in Oman and UAE
    P. Mahzari*1, E. Kolahchian1, S. Al Mani1, J. M. Matter1(2. 01)
    2:20 PM Dynamics of CO2-Brine Mass Transfer in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Implications for Storage Capacity and Predictive Modeling
    H. Huang*2, J. Walker1(1. WSP; 2. Tetra Tech)
    2:40 PM Simulation Study on the Impact of Faults as Boundary Conditions on Carbon Geological Storage Flow Dynamics
    Z. W. Wang1, S. A. Hosseini1(1. Bureau of Economic Geology, UT Austin)
  3. Sara Minisini, Seyyed Hosseini
    1:40 PM Machine Learning-Based History Matching at the Illinois Basin-Decatur Project Site: An End-to-End Demonstration
    H. Yoon*1, J. Lee3, B. Petras2, S. Skopec2, P. R. Ganesh2, T. Kadeethum1, J. White4(1. Sandia National Laboratories; 2. Battelle Memorial Institute; 3. University of Hawaii at Manoa; 4. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
    2:00 PM Bayesian Optimization and Robust Decision-Making Under Uncertainty for Carbon Capture and Storage Supply Chain Management
    T. Taha*1, M. Abdallah1, M. Shabani1, S. Engebretsen1, G. Blin1, P. Childs1, E. Gringarten1(1. Aspen Technology, Oxford)
    2:20 PM Optimizing CO2 Storage Monitoring with Enhanced Rock Physics Modeling and Optimal Pressure Control
    A. Gahlot*1, H. Li2, F. J. Herrmann1(1. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology; 2. Computer Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology)
    2:40 PM Cross-Geology Transfer Learning for Accelerated Geological Carbon-Storage Simulation
    V. T. Kumar1, M. Siddharth1, Y. Falola1(1. Petroleum engineering , Texas A&M University)
  4. Camelia Knapp, Martin Ma
    1:40 PM Utililizing Life Cycle Assessment to Design a Novel Carbon-Negative Power Plant in Appalachia, USA
    K. Sale1, M. Miranda1, A. Harrison1, K. Ellett*1, D. Stauffer2, S. Winter3, E. Blumer4(1. Carbon Solutions LLC; 2. Worley; 3. CONSOL Energy; 4. OsoMono Ltd)
    2:00 PM Class II Wells for CO2 Sequestration: Commercializing Carbon Storage with CO2 EOR and AGI – A New Business Opportunity
    M. Garcia*1, A. Chen2, R. Decesari1(1. Ryder Scott Company; 2. BlueCCS)
    2:20 PM Optimizing Nationwide CO2 Transport Infrastructure: A Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions
    M. Velasco Lozano1, M. Ma1, R. Pawar1, B. Chen1(1. Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory)
    2:40 PM Integration of Modular Geothermal Power Plants and CO2 Plume Geothermal Systems for Renewable Energy and Carbon Sequestration
    J. Navar1, T. Phythian*1, J. Turluck1(1. Blacktail Energy)