Texas Coastal Processes: Brazos River Delta to Galveston Island – SOLD OUT

Sunday, 2 March 2025, 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.  |  Houston, Texas

short course image

Course Content

Sites ~60 miles south of Houston along ~35 miles of the SE Texas coastline provide excellent locations to observe coastal sedimentological processes and their resultant deposits. This section of the Texas coast is characterized by barrier islands separated by tidal inlets and river outlets.   The larger, sand-ridge cored, prograding Galveston Island contrasts with the smaller, wash-over dominated, retreating Follets Island and is separated by the stable, long-lived San Luis Pass that exhibits well developed flood and ebb tide delta systems.  The Brazos River empties into the Gulf of Mexico to the south of Follets Island and forms a wave-dominated delta system.  The Brazos River Delta has undergone significant changes due to human intervention and demonstrates the dynamic nature of sediment movement and deposition along the coast.  This section of the coast provides insight into the steady lower energy background processes of sediment movement and the higher energy short term events, and the resultant reservoir characteristics of clastic coastal deposits from these different mechanisms.   The understanding gained from these modern systems can be applied as an analog for subsurface exploration and production along the Gulf Coast and elsewhere.


Understand clastic sediment distribution along coastal and barrier island systems.

Itinerary Roster

  • Rendezvous in the lobby of George R. Brown Exhibition Center
  • Drive to Freeport, TX
  • Stops from Bryan Beach Park to Brazos River Delta
  • Stop 1 Overview of beach environments and processes
  • Stop 2 Recent erosion of back barrier deposits
  • Stop 3 Washover apron
  • Stop 4 Brazos River Delta
  • Lunch at the Brazos River Delta
  • Drive to Follets Island
  • Stops northeast of Surfside Beach
  • Stop 5 (optional) Back Barrier Environment
  • Stop 6 Washover fan system
  • Drive to Galveston Island
  • Stops from San Luis Pass to the Galveston Seawall
  • Stop 7 Tidal inlet and coastal dunes
  • Stop 8 Sand ridges
  • Stop 9 Recent foreshore erosion/deposition
  • Return to George R. Brown Exhibition Center

Who Should Attend

This excursion will be of interest to Geologists, Geophysicists, and Reservoir Engineers


$325 professionals
$100 students
Attendee Limit:
16 professionals
2 students
Fee Includes:
Field Guide
Educational Credits:
0.6 CEU


Texas Coastal Processes: Brazos River Delta to Galveston Island – SOLD OUT
George R. Brown Convention Center
1001 Avenida De Las Americas
Houston, Texas 77010
United States
(713) 853-8000


Important Notes Regarding Field Trips

  • Field trips are limited in size and are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis and must be accompanied by a full payment.
  • If you do not plan on attending the conference, a US $30 enrollment fee will be added to the short course fee. This fee may be applied toward registration if you decide to attend the conference at a later date.
  • A wait list is automatically created if a field trip sells out. CCUS will notify you if space becomes available.
  • Before purchasing non-refundable airline tickets, confirm that the trip will take place, as trips may be cancelled if undersubscribed.
  • Please register well before the deadline of 6 February 2025. Field trip cancellations due to low enrollment will be considered at this time. No refunds will be allowed on field trips after 6 February 2025
  • We will continue to take registrations for field trips not cancelled until they are either sold out or closed.
  • Field trips will depart and return to the George R. Brown Convention Center unless otherwise indicated. Participants will be advised via email of the specific location approximately two weeks prior to the trip.

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellations can be made by contacting CCUS Registration on or before 14 February via email at ccus@aapg.org
  • Cancellations received on or before 14 February will receive a refund LESS a US $75 processing fee.
  • Refunds will not be issued after 14 February or for “no shows.”
  • You may substitute one participant for another.

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