Please review the list of official contractors, deadlines, and display rules and regulations.

The general contractor for CCUS Latin America is Grupo Heroica, please contact: Valeria Rincon or +57 (605) 654-4000 ext. 4270.

For exhibition logistical questions or assistance, please contact CCUS show management: Teresa K. Dallis, CEM or 918.497.5517.

For exhibitor registration, booth invoicing and payment assistance, please contact CCUS show management: Tamra Campbell or 918.560.9434.


Official Contractors
General Services Contractor: Grupo Heroica
Catering, Cleaning, Electrical, Internet: Grupo Heroica
Lead Retrieval: TPNI

Hotel InterContinental Cartagena
Cra. 1 #5-01 Bocagrande Cartagena, Colombia
Phone: +57 605 642 4250

Exhibition Location
CCUS Latin America 2025 features two exhibition areas, in the hallway outside the main ballroom, where plenary sessions and technical sessions will be held, and in the coffee break area adjacent to the main conference sessions and in front of the poster session room and speaker services center. Both areas are guaranteed to have consistent traffic throughout the event.


2025 Stand Information

  • Wooden panels and lockable counter
  • High table with three chairs
  • 2 spotlights and electrical connection
  • Full-color logo* printed on counter (40 cm x 40 cm)
  • Full-color graphics* printed on back wall  (2 m x 2.4 m)
  • One full event registration per 4m2 of exhibit space
  • Company listing in exhibitor listing on event website
  • Company listing in event program


Catering, Cleaning, Electrical, Internet
Request information

Conference Room Rental
CCUS Latin America has a limited number of rooms at the venue that are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Meeting rooms are in the InterContinental Hotel, one floor above the technical sessions, plenaries, and exhibition. All rooms come equipped with wireless internet, a projector and screen. Please submit your requested space, date, and time. We will review your request and confirm availability.
Information Brochure and Online Form

April 28

Shipping Information
Contact: Grupo Heroica

Shipping Address:
Hotel InterContinental Cartagena, Carrera 1 No. 5-01, Bocagrande, Cartagena (Colombia). Phone: (5) 642-4250.

Material Delivery Guidelines:

  • All materials must enter through the TIMEKEEPER entrance for security inspection and registration.
  • A detailed inventory of equipment and materials must be submitted in advance or presented upon entry.
  • Delivery hours: Monday to Friday, between 6:00  and 18:00h. Deliveries outside these hours must be pre-approved.
  • The loading dock accommodates up to two trucks simultaneously, with a maximum height of 3.45 meters.
  • The hotel is not responsible for lost or damaged materials stored before or after the event.
  • All materials must be removed on the final day of the event.


  • Recipient: Rosa Mendivil o Katherina Batista (Name of the person responsible for the materials in the hotel)
  • Event: CCUS Latin America 2025 (Evento AAPG Congreso CCUS Latín América 2025)
  • Address: Carrera 1 No. 5-01, Bocagrande, Cartagena
  • Phone: (57) (605) 642-4250


  • The service elevator has the following dimensions:
    • Door: 2.1 m high x 0.9 m wide.
    • Interior: 1.6 m high x 1.5 m wide.
  • Use of the elevator must be coordinated with hotel security staff.
  • Bringing materials or setup personnel through the lobby or guest areas is strictly prohibited.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for any damage caused to the elevator.

May 5

Graphics, Furniture, Accessories
Request information

Dimensions for graphics below, must be provided by exhibitor by May 5.

May 15

Lead Retrieval 
Contact: TPNI or 781-688-8000
Order Online 

Program Book
Advertising Materials Due
Contact: Sue Ellen Rhine (Companies A-K), L-Z Tracy Thompson (Companies L-Z)
Submit to the CCUS Sales team 

Program Book
Date of Inclusion for Company Name and Booth Number 
Contact: Tamra Campbell

Exhibitor Registration

All primary contacts listed on the Space Agreement will receive an email from that including the following details and information:

  • Total number of complimentary registrations for the conference
  • A direct link with access to the Exhibitor Portal to register exhibit staff and employees
  • Login credentials to access the exhibitor portal

Within the Exhibitor Portal, exhibitors are able to access the account, add registrations, change names or information and print out an up-to-date list of exhibitor personnel registered.

Login credentials are emailed from, please add this email to your address book to reduce the chances of the email being caught by spam or junk filters.

Please contact Tamra Campbell if you have not received your credentials or have questions about registration.

If your organization is planning to have more than 10 people attend that will need Full Convention Registrations, please consider Corporate Group Registration.

Exhibitor Wrist Bands and Badges

Exhibitor Personnel and Exhibitor Appointed Contractors are required to wear wrist bands during Move-in and Move-out. CCUS name badges must be worn during show hours.

Wrist bands must be worn by all working personnel who enter the exhibit hall. Wrist bands may be picked up at the Security Desk on the dock by the authorized personnel provided through the On-Site Contact and Exhibitor Appointed Contractor form mentioned in the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor section.

CCUS name badges are required to be on the exhibition floor during exhibition open hours. Pre-registration is recommended, and name badges are available at registration desk. Refer to the Exhibitor Registration section for instructions.



  • Valid social security records.
  • National ID card.

Dress Code:

  • Contractor company uniform or visible identification.
  • Entry is prohibited for personnel wearing shorts, sleeveless shirts, sandals, or open-toe shoes.

Hotel Regulations:

  • Mandatory use of service elevators and staircases.
  • Lobby access is not permitted without prior authorization.
  • Personnel must remain in assigned work areas.
  • Employees must use designated staff restrooms on the 5th floor.

Facility Regulations


  • The Aguamarina ballroom is equipped with a 50-amp NEMA three-phase panel.
  • Exhibitors must provide all necessary electrical materials.
  • Installations must comply with the Technical Regulation of Electrical Installations (RETIE).
  • If a generator is used, it must be placed in the designated area, following all safety regulations.


  • Compliance with all hotel safety regulations is required.
  • Personnel performing work at heights must present a TSA certificate at least three days in advance and use personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • The entry of alcoholic beverages must be registered and accompanied by hotel staff.


  • All setup and teardown activities must adhere to the established schedule.
  • All materials must be removed at the end of the event to avoid additional charges.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for any damage caused to the hotel's infrastructure.

Show Management Display Rules and Regulations
Display Rules are developed from the IAEE Display Rules and Regulations. The purpose for these guidelines is to create and promote consistency. The goal is to provide exhibitors and contractors with all the necessary information to properly design and build exhibits, plan layouts as well as content.

Height Restrictions

Per Show Management Event standards, all booths are held to the height restrictions listed below. Should a booth design exceed the height listed below, Show Management approval is required. You can submit a Height Variance request. 

  • Linear (In-Line) = 8’ (2.44m)
  • Corner (In-Line) = 8’ (2.44m)
  • Perimeter = 12’ (3.66m)
  • Split Island = 16’ – 20’ (4.88m – 6.10m)
  • Island = (6.10m)

Linear (In-Line) Booth

Arranged in a straight line and have neighboring exhibitors on either side leaving only one side (front) exposed.


Show Management reserves the right to restrict or remove exhibits and/or exhibitors in violation of any below:

  • All activities must be confined to your assigned booth space.
  • Unfinished portions of pop-up displays must be covered. Pop-up framework, raw wood or cardboard wings must be painted or appropriately covered if visible from another booth.
  • Decorations, signs, banners, and similar materials may not be taped, nailed, stapled, or otherwise fastened to ceilings, doors, walls, glass, columns, painted surfaces, fabric, or decorative walls.
  • Adhesive-backed decals are NOT permitted to be distributed or used inside the Convention Center. Labor costs to remove adhesive stickers and decals will be charged.
  • Confetti, glitter, or rice is prohibited within the facilities. Exhibitor will be responsible for any labor and materials required for clean-up resulting from violation of this policy.
  • The use or display of cascarones (Confetti-filled eggs) is prohibited. Exhibitor is responsible for any labor and materials required for clean-up resulting from violation of this policy.
  • Surface Protection – all contractors/exhibitors must use the utmost care to protect ALL surfaces in the facility from any and all damage. Protection may include padding, the use of non-marring products, visqueen, plywood, rubber bumpers and tires, and proper supervision. The use of transfer tape is strictly prohibited on all surfaces within the facility.
  • When installing carpet or floor covering in the exhibit space, specific tape has already been approved by the facility and must be used or repair damages may be applied to the Exhibitor and/or appointed contractor. 
  • Contractors (EAC) and/or exhibitors must provide complete protection from paint and paint products in ALL AREAS of the facility including the exhibit floor. Under no circumstances may spray paints, airless sprayers, power sprayers/painters, airbrushes or similar tools be used within the facility without written consent from the facility management.
  • Helium balloons are NOT allowed in any part of the convention center, either for display or for sale, or for gifts. For decoration purposes, air-filled balloons may be used. Exhibitors must inform Show Management in advance to gain approval for such decoration. The convention center reserves the right to remove any helium-filled balloons at Exhibitor’s expense.

Floor Covering/Carpet

Floor covering is not required unless you are building a custom stand to protect existing facility carpet. Additional floor covering is not included with your booth space fee.  

Canopies and Ceilings

Canopies, including ceilings, umbrellas and canopy frames can be either decorative or functional (shading computer monitors from ambient light or to allow for hanging products). 

The bottom of the canopy should not be lower than 7’ (2.13m) from the floor within 5’ (1.52m) of any aisle. Canopy supports should be no wider than three inches (.08m). This applies to any booth configuration that has a sight line restriction, such as a Linear (In-Line) booth.


Fire regulations prohibit storing products, literature or empty packing material and/or containers behind back drapes. Exhibitors may store a limited supply of literature and product (appropriately) under a draped table or in a cabinet within their booth.

Please DO NOT store empty boxes, crates behind booths where visible or where electricians are not able to access electrical boxes. Please keep space behind clean and free from debris as possible to stay in compliance.

No animals or pets are permitted in the facility except as an approved exhibit, activity or performance requiring the use of animals. Service animals are permitted. Show Management and Convention Center General Manager must approve exhibit, activity or performance requiring use of animals no later than (30) thirty days prior to the first day of move-in.

Children under the age of 16 will not be allowed in the exhibit hall during setup or teardown. Children 13 and older will be allowed to attend the exhibition during regular exhibition hours if they are properly registered, wearing their badge and accompanied by an adult. During exhibition hours, children under the age of 13 will not be allowed into any activities within the exhibit hall unless they are young enough to be confined to a stroller, backpack or front pack.

Code of Conduct

AAPG is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form.

  • All communication, whether casual or formal, should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds.
  • Be careful in the words that you choose. Remember that sexist, racist, and other exclusionary jokes can be offensive to those around you. Excessive swearing and offensive jokes are not appropriate at any AAPG event.
  • Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks.
  • Harassment includes offensive communication related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
  • Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down other attendees. Behave professionally.
  • Exhibitors are also subject to the anti-harassment policy and are required to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the professional and business purposes of the show.
    • Personnel and/or models contracted to assist in an exhibitor’s booth are required to wear appropriate attire. In particular, exhibitors should not use sexualized images, activities, or other material, and booth staff should not use sexualized clothing/uniforms/costumes, or otherwise create a sexualized environment.
    • AAPG reserves the right to make a final determination regarding what is acceptable and may remove persons from the exhibition floor that are not in compliance.

If a participant engages in behavior that violates this code of conduct, AAPG reserves the right to take any action deemed appropriate, including warning the offender(s) or expelling the offender(s) from the conference with no refund.

Code of Conduct

Emergency Access Regulations/Requirements

  • Displays or exhibits must never interfere in any way with access to any required exit, block access to firefighting equipment or interfere with the normal operations of automatic extinguishing equipment.
  • All aisles must maintain 10 feet clear access.
  • No portion of a display shall obstruct any aisle or doorway.

Insurance & Indemnification

  • All exhibitors and Exhibitor Appointed Contractors are required to maintain their own insurance to cover all contingencies, including but not limited to fire, theft, property damage (especially in transit), business interruption, liabilities and worker’s compensation.
  • Exhibitors and Exhibitor Appointed Contractors are required to provide a COI with a minimum of $1,000,000 General Liability. CCUS should be named as an additional insured. 125 W. 15th St., Tulsa, OK 74119.
  • Each exhibitor and Exhibitor Appointed Contractor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages and claims arising out of exhibitor’s activities on the Convention Center premises and will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Show Management and the InterContinental Hotel, their agents, and employees from any and all such losses, damages, and claims.
  • Neither Show Management nor the InterContinental Hotel maintain insurance covering the exhibitor’s or Exhibitor Appointed Contractor property or lost revenue and it is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to obtain such insurance.
  • Each exhibitor and Exhibitor Appointed Contractor agrees to and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Show Management, the InterContinental Hotel and their respective Members, Officers, Directors, Agents and Employees from all costs, liabilities, claims, damages or expenses, including without limitation claims for personal and bodily injury or property damage, arising out of or associated with exhibitor’s use or occupancy of or exhibition in any part of the InterContinental Hotel,, including without limitation any work done by or any act, neglect or omission of exhibitor or its employees, agents, contractors, and invitees in connection with such use, occupancy, or exhibition.


Exhibitors that anticipate selling a tangible product or rent real estate property at the event are responsible for acquiring and shall pay all costs of permits, including health and sales tax permits.

Labor/Exhibitor Work Rules

  • All decorating, display and material handling labor related conventions, trade shows, promotional displays and consumer shows is performed by Grupo Heroica, the assigned Official Service Contractor for CCUS.
  • Full time employees of an exhibiting firm or approved Exhibitor Appointed Contractors may install and dismantle their own respective company display.

Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EAC)

Exhibitors must notify Show Management of their intent to hire an EAC to install, dismantle, maintain or provide outside services for their booth using the On-Site Contact and EAC Work Authorization form.

The EAC is required to complete the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) Contact and Indemnification Form providing the following details:

  1. The name of the on-site supervisor during Move-in and Move-out.
  2. Valid certificate of Insurance (Requirements for insurance are listed under Insurance/Liability section of this document)
  3. Booth drawings and renderings

Failure to meet these conditions could jeopardize the non-official contractor’s ability to provide service to the Exhibitor.

Security Information

Security will be present throughout move-in and during the event. Entrance into the exhibition area is with proper badge and/or wristband during move-in prior to registration opening. This is an open-booth exhibition and the responsibility for safeguarding the space and property in it is your own. Neither Show Management or the InterContinental Hotel, the security contractor, Grupo Heroica or any of their officers, agents or employees assumes any responsibilities for your space or any property inside your exhibit booth.

  1. Exhibitor personnel are required to wear a CCUS issued badge and/or wrist band to gain access to the exhibition.
  2. No items or equipment – not even boxes or brochures – may be brought in or removed during OPEN exhibition hours while the show is in progress.

Sound & Noise Regulations and Music Copyright

  1. Sound equipment may be used in your booth so long as the noise level does not disrupt the activities of neighboring exhibitors. Speakers and other sound devices should be positioned so as to direct sound into your booth rather than aisles or other exhibits. Sound and noise should not exceed 85 decibels.
  2. You should be aware that music played in your booth, whether live or recorded, may be subject to laws governing the use of copyrighted compositions. ASCAP, BMI and SESAC are three authorized licensing organizations that collect copyright fees on behalf of composers and publishers of music. All copyright fees applicable to music or entertainment used as part of an exhibit are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. The exhibitor must make required payment(s) directly to the applicable copyright agency.
  3. Show Management reserves the right to restrict or remove exhibits and/or exhibitors, which in its sole judgment, because of noise, inappropriately attired personnel, or any other reason, are or become objectionable or, which in its sole judgment, may detract from the character of the Convention. Neither CCUS nor Show Management, if other than CCUS, or any employee, agent, officer, director, or representative thereof, shall have any liability, whether to any exhibitor or otherwise, as a result of such restriction or removal.


Exhibitor Move-in Dates/Times

Tuesday May 27 16:00–18:00
All booths must be completely setup by 18:00 Tuesday

Exhibit Hall Dates/Times

Wednesday May 28 08:00–18:00
Thursday May 29 08:00–18:00

Exhibitor Move-out Dates/Times

Thursday May 29 18:00–20:00



icon Exhibition and Events Coordinator Teresa K. Dallis, CEM +1 918 497 5517
icon Sales Coordinator Tamra Campbell +1 918 560 9434