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Integrated: Geology and Geophysics
Special Sessions
  • Wednesday, 28 May
  • Thursday, 29 May
8:00 AM
  1. Aguamarina I-II
8:30 AM
  1. Aguamarina III-IV
    8:30 AM Optimizing CO2 Utilization for Enhanced Oil Recovery and Decarbonization: A Multi-Field Approach in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia
    J. O. Castañeda1, H. CUBILLOS1, E. M. Trigos1, H. D. Ramos1, A. Alvarez2(1. Ecopetrol S.A., Cajica, Cundinamarca, Colombia. 2. CMG, Bogotá, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Geological Carbon Dioxide Storage: Mineralogical and Petrophysics Insights from Jandaíra Formation Carbonate Rocks, Potiguar Basin, as Analogues to Brazilian Pre-Salt Reservoirs
    C. F. França1, A. Borges de Campos1, R. Perobelli Borba1, W. Luiz Silva1, C. J. Delgado Mateus1, L. F. De Melo Faria1, G. Da Silva Chagas1(1. IG/DGRN - LAGEX, UNICAMP, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. )
    8:30 AM Numerical Modeling of the Most Influential Mechanisms in CO2 Trapping within a Porous Medium during a Water-Alternating-Gas (WAG) Injection Process. A Colombian case study
    J. G. Barrera1, M. I. Sandoval Martínez2, V. E. Mousalli Diaz2(1. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia. 2. Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Impact of Interfacial Tension and Molecular Diffusion on CO2 Injection: Insights into Hydrocarbon Recovery and CO2 Storage
    C. Ariza Quiroga1, M. I. Sandoval1, C. D. Cundar2, G. Maya2, J. D. Aristizabal2(1. TIP, Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia. 2. Ecopetrol, Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Assessment of CO2 Capillary Trapping Due to Hysteresis Phenomenon in a Water-Alternating-Gas (WAG) Injection Process Through Laboratory Tests
    M. A. Santos Gonzalez1, V. E. Mousalli Diaz1, M. I. Sandoval Martínez1, J. G. Barrera1, D. A. Siabato Guevara1(1. Facultad de Ingenierías Fisicoquímicas, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga , Santander, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Geochemical Insights into Carbon Capture and Storage with Enhanced Oil Recovery in Trinidad and Tobago: A Numerical Simulation Approach
    D. ALEXANDER1, R. Maharaj2, R. Hosein2, D. Boodlal2(1. Energy Systems Engineering, University of Trinidad and Tobago, Tabaquite, Trinidad and Tobago. 2. University of Trinidad and Tobago, COUVA, Trinidad and Tobago. )
    8:30 AM Numerical Investigation of Inline Flow Control Devices for Multi-Stage Pressure Management in CO2 Injection Wells: A Simulation Study for Depleted Reservoir Applications
    C. Wei1, Y. Chen1(1. Lousiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States. )
    8:30 AM Development and Evaluation of Nanomaterials Synthesized from Agro-waste for Enhancement of the Carbonated Water Injection process as CCUS-EOR Strategy
    L. J. Giraldo1, C. Franco1, F. Cortés1(1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Optimizing CO2 Sequestration and Production in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs: An Integrated Subsurface–Surface Approach for Near-Zero Emissions
    J. M. Santos Rueda1, L. Santos1, V. Lara1(1. Computer Modelling Group Ltd, Houston , TX, United States. )
    8:30 AM Testing, Monitoring, and Verification Regulations for CCS and CCUS: Ensuring Safety, Efficiency, and Effectiveness
    G. S. Garcia Orrego1(1. Ecopetrol, Bogota, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Construction of the Static Model of the Mugrosa Formation in a Sector of the Llanito Field as a Candidate for CCUS Projects
    M. A. DAZA1(1. UNIVERSIDAD INDUSTRIAL DE SANTANDER, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Use of flue gas and production gas mix in EOR process – Critical Review
    E. M. Trigos Becerra2, G. Maya2, F. Cortés1(1. Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional, Bogota, Colombia. 2. Ecopetrol, Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Lessons Learned from the Use of historical CO2 EOR projects in Colombia the Key to the New CCUS Route
    J. A. Sáchica1, R. AMAYA2, D. Sierra3(1. Unconventional Resources Team, Ecopetrol, Bogota, Colombia. 2. Ecopetrol S.A., Barrancabermeja, Colombia. 3. Universidad Europea, Madrid, Spain. )
    8:30 AM CO2 Utilization in Enhanced Oil Recovery: Surfactant and Polymer-based Carbonated Water Flooding Strategies
    L. sharma1(1. petroleum engineering, rajiv gandhi institute of petroleum technology, Jais, Uttar pradesh, India. )
    8:30 AM A Geochemical Assessment of Oil Reservoirs for CCUS Deployment in the Upper Assam Region of India.
    R. Phukan1, R. S. Vadhan2(1. Department of Petroleum Technology, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam, India. 2. ONGC, Karaikal, India. )
    8:30 AM National Strategy for Decarbonization Based on Convergent Technologies and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
    L. J. Giraldo1, C. Franco1, F. Cortés1(1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Regional Statistical Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Potential and Basin Knowledge in Colombia’s 23 Basins Using Creaming Curve and Fractal Analysis to Predict Yet-to-Find Reserves and Potential CO2 Storage Capacity
    C. Riaño Garzón1, M. A. Avila Paez1, M. F. Rodriguez1, N. A. Gamba Ruiz1, N. Cruz1, O. H. Rodriguez Moreno1, J. M. Sánchez Sierra1, L. Montenegro Rivera1, P. C. Montaño1, A. M. Salazar Franco1, M. T. Cantisano de Sandoval1, C. F. Agudelo Escalona1, H. F. Alarcón Olave1, D. Arevalo Daza1, C. Herrera Vargas1, L. A. Diaz Delgado1(1. Bogotá DC, Servicio Geológico Colombiano, Cajicá, Cundinamarca, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Contingency gas injection into reservoirs: opportunities and risks
    M. J. Oliveira1, A. Sakata1, L. Cordeiro1, D. de Almeida1, P. Oliveira1, A. LINO NETO1(1. PETROBRAS, Macaé , Brazil. )
    8:30 AM Mineralogical and Geomechanical Changes in Caprock and Reservoir Rocks After scCO2 Exposure Under Geological Storage Conditions
    T. M. Pique1, C. G. Grasetti Palacio1, K. Irvicelli1, C. Casagrande1, M. Pierrard1, E. Besnati1(1. Y-TEC, Berisso, Buenos Aires, Argentina. )
  2. Aguamarina III-IV
    8:30 AM Techno-Economic Challenges and oppurtunities of CCUS Projects”
    J. SAITHALA1, R. Krishnamurthy1(1. Blade Energy Partners, Houston, TX, United States. )
    8:30 AM Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Trinidad and Tobago: A first Step Towards the Establishment of a Regional Hub
    D. ALEXANDER1, R. Hosein1, A. Jupiter1, P. Bradshaw-Niles2(1. Energy Systems Engineering, University of Trinidad and Tobago, Tabaquite, Trinidad and Tobago. 2. Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. )
  3. Aguamarina III-IV
    8:30 AM Extracting value from low-quality data in the site characterization phase of underground-storage projects in Latin America
    J. Macias1, O. Carvajal1(1. Baker Hughes, Bogota, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Comparing Geological Data Using Machine Learning: Similarities between the Central North Sea and Northeast of Brazil
    E. M. de Lira1(1. Petrobras University, Petrobras, Serra, ES, Brazil. )
    8:30 AM Estimating Future Carbon Emissions of Unconventional Reserves
    W. J. Torres Diaz1, D. Meehan1(1. Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, United States. )
    8:30 AM Approach to Environmental and Economic Costs in Pilot Projects for CO2 Injection in Igneous Rock with Aquifer in the Brazilian Context
    V. Alzate Rubio1, C. Gaeta Tassinari1(1. Institute of Energy and Environment, Universidade de Sao Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. )
    8:30 AM A Novel Model for H2 and CO2 Deployment in Decarbonization: A Case Study in Appalachia
    J. C. Duque1, A. Harrison1, Q. Mehdi1, C. Upchurch1, M. Ives2, A. Nasta2, D. Wissmiller2, R. Middleton1(1. Carbon Solutions LLC, Medellin, Colombia. 2. GTI Energy, Washington, WA, United States. )
    8:30 AM Roadmap for BECCS Hub Development in Western São Paulo State, Brazil: From Pilot Project to Regional Implementation
    N. Weber1, J. A. Sousa1, P. Jackson1, C. Machado1, C. Mathias2, R. Esparta2(1. Manaca CCS, São Paulo, No State, Brazil. 2. EBEX, São Paulo, No State, Brazil. )
    8:30 AM Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) and the Carbon Cycle
    R. J. Walty1, K. W. Hathaway1(1. Terra Carbon Development, Inc., Leoma, TN, United States. )
    8:30 AM Life Cycle Assessment of a Feasibility Use of Fluegas Streams in the Oil and Gas Industry for Carbon Capture Use and Storage Processes: Insight through transportation stage
    L. J. Giraldo1, N. Cano1, C. Franco1, F. Cortés1(1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Evaluation of the CCUS value chain for a case study of an O&G vertically integrated company and its potential for decarbonisation
    J. A. Caicedo Avellaneda1, A. Duarte2, E. Yañez1, E. E. Betancourt3, G. Maya1, J. Gutierrez2, O. Blanco1, H. CUBILLOS4(1. Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo y Energías de la Transición (Icpet), Ecopetrol S.A., Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia. 2. TIP Colombia, Girón, Santander, Colombia. 3. Refining Development Management, Ecopetrol S.A., Cartagena, Colombia. 4. Department of Energy Resources in Subsurface, Ecopetrol S.A., Bogota, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Integrated evaluation for commercial design, monitoring and CO2 sequestration for a prospective storage resource project in the Mount Simon Sandstone, Midwest United States.
    M. Villalobos1, S. Saavedra2(1. Petroleum, Universidad de Oriente, Colleyville, TX, United States. 2. Geological sciences, Buenos Aires University, Buenos Aires, Argentina. )
    8:30 AM Circular Economy Of CO2 And The Context In Colombia.
    L. J. Valbuena1(1. Bogotá DC, Universidad Nacional de Colombia,, Cajicá, CO25126, Colombia. )
2:00 PM
  1. Aguamarina II
    2:05 PM Chasing CO2 storage sites: perspectives of depositional sequence characterization from uniformitarianism-based experiments and real-world basin
    N. Daynac1(1. Technical Excellence, Eliis, Clapiers, France. )
    2:25 PM Comparison of Multi-Time / Multi-Scale Approaches for CO2 Storage Screening using a feasibility study in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin
    A. Thebault1, A. Barrois1, P. Rouvroy1, E. Lopez-Ramos2(1. Beicip-Franlab, Rueil-Malmaison, France. 2. Ecopetrol S.A., Bogota, Colombia. )
    2:45 PM The Impact of a Comprehensive Seismic and Petrophysical Analysis to Optimize Site Screening for CO2 Injection at a Saline Aquifer
    V. Marchesi1, S. Randazzo1, T. Salter1, J. Salazar1, V. Di Filippo1, T. Pereira2, P. Oliveira2, P. Ernesto3(1. Baker Hughes, Houston, TX, United States. 2. UISA, São Paulo, Brazil. 3. Renovar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. )
    3:05 PM Site Characterization for Permitting and Subsurface Risk Mitigation in CCUS Projects: A Review Based on Recent Drilling Experiences in the U.S.
    M. Valluri1, A. Duguid1, E. Olivera2(1. ARI, Columbus, OH, United States. 2. Hidroplan, Sao Paulo, Brazil. )
    3:25 PM A Multi-scale Approach for Global CO2 Geological Storage Resources Assessment and Site Competency Rating
    A. Chen1, M. Garcia2(1. BlueCCS.com, Houston, TX, United States. 2. Ryder Scott Company LP, Houston, TX, United States. )
  2. Caracol
    2:05 PM Use of Multivariate Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques to Extract Insigths On Site-specific CO2 Storage Coefficients Obtained from Numerical Reservoir Simulation
    J. Gomez1(1. Petrotechnical Insights LLC, Paso Robles, CA, United States. )
    2:25 PM Machine Learning Predictive Models for CCS Near-Well Modelling Using Open-Source Tools
    J. Lliguizaca Davila1, D. Landa-Marbán3, J. Mendoza Sanz2, J. Cobos Mora1(1. Physics and technology, University of Bergen, Guayaquil, Ecuador. 2. Facultad de Ingeniería en Ciencias de la Tierra, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador. 3. NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, Bergen, Norway. )
    2:45 PM Reservoir characterization using legacy data: A key factor for the de-risking of BECCS projects potential at the Parecis Basin, Brazil.
    M. R. Zimmermann1, H. Lopes1, F. Miranda1, D. Michelon1, M. Farias1, L. B. Silva1, H. Padoves1, L. Souza1, J. Barbosa1(1. Eneva, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. )
    3:05 PM Evaluation and Uncertainty Modelling of Geological CO2 Storage in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin, Offshore Atlantic Canada
    E. K. Ovwigho1, H. Shiri1, K. Waghorn2, I. Sinclair1, D. G. Lowe2, K. G. Welford2, L. A. James1(1. Process Engineering, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NF, Canada. 2. Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NF, Canada. )
    3:25 PM Integrated Approach for PVT Acquisition to Evaluate both CO2-EOR and CO2 Storage Processes in Underground Structures in Middle Magdalena Valley (MMV) in Colombia
    R. Osorio1, C. D. Cundar1, H. CUBILLOS1(1. ECOPETROL S.A., Bogota, Colombia. )
  3. Aguamarina I
4:15 PM
  1. Aguamarina II
    4:20 PM Carbon Dioxide as a Carbon Source for Biosurfactant Production
    F. dos Santos1, A. Napp1, C. P. de Aguiar1, W. Lautert Dutra1, F. Dalla Vecchia1, R. D. Tewari2, C. L. Melo1(1. Institute of Petroleum and Natural Resources, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 2. PETRONAS Research Sdn Bhd, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. )
    4:40 PM Water-alternating-gas injections for optimized mineral carbon storage in basalt.
    C. Nelson1, D. Goldberg2(1. Cella, New York, NY, United States. 2. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States. )
    5:00 PM The implementation of CO2 injection for EOR in X Field – South China Sea
    D. Pham1, T. Nguyen1, V. Nguyen1, T. Duong1(1. Petroleum and Gas Engineering, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, United States. )
    5:20 PM Investigating CO2 Phase Behaviors During Injection Restart and Shut-in Operations in Depleted Gas Reservoirs: A Non-Equilibrium Analysis for Operational Safety
    C. Wei1, S. Beheshtian1, Y. Chen1(1. Lousiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States. )
    5:40 PM Evaluation of Caprock Sealing Capacity and Wettability for CO2 Storage
    A. Soomro1(1. Faculty of Gas Engineering, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland. )
  2. Aguamarina I
    4:20 PM Common Risk Segment Analysis Coupling with Forward Stratigraphic Modelling: new approach to Define Best Sites for CO2 Storage in the Central Part of the Middle Magdalena Basin, Colombia
    E. Lopez-Ramos1(1. DEVELOPMENT, ECOPETROL, Bogota, IN, Colombia. )
    4:40 PM Evaluation of CO2 Storage Potential in the Llanos Orientales Basin, Casanare Sector: Static and Dynamic Modeling of the Carbonera Formation, Unit C1
    E. C. Kairuz1, J. C. Gelvez2, R. Arismendy1, E. Arias1, D. Londoño1(1. Neoil Energy, Bogotá, Colombia. 2. Geopark, Bogotá, Colombia. )
    5:00 PM Development of prediction model for storage efficiency factor to evaluate volumetric-based CO2 storage capacity
    Y. A. Rincon Cuenca2, H. Shin1, V. Nguyen-Le3(1. Inha University, Bogotá, Colombia. 2. ANH, Bogotá, Colombia. 3. Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary, AB, Canada. )
    5:20 PM Advancing CCUS for Carbon Neutrality: Execution of Subsurface Characterization Strategy at Ecopetrol
    5:40 PM CO2 Enhanced oil recovery laboratory and numerical study for pilot design with CO2 storage considerations.
    G. Maya1, K. M. Colmenares1, J. A. Caicedo Avellaneda1, J. O. Castañeda2, H. CUBILLOS3(1. Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo y Energías de la Transición (Icpet), Ecopetrol S.A., Piedecuesta, Santander, Colombia. 2. Gerencia de Desarrollo Andina Oriente, Ecopetrol S.A., Bogotá, Colombia. 3. Departamento de Recursos Energéticos de Subsuelo, Ecopetrol S.A., Bogotá, Colombia. )
  3. Caracol
    4:40 PM Comprehensive Algorithm-Assisted Study of CO2 Trapping Mechanisms and Their Plume Radius Influence
    F. Yatte1, A. Alvarez1, V. Lara1, G. Oliveira1, V. Salazar1(1. CSC, Computer Modelling Group CMG, Bogota, Bogota, Colombia. )
    5:00 PM Advance workflow for Dynamic Simulation and Optimization of CCUS Projects in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin
    D. M. Victoria1(1. SLB, Palmira, Colombia. )
    5:20 PM Thermodynamic Modeling of CO2 Injection in Aquifers Using e-CPA EoS: A Colombian Case Study
    J. D. Aristizabal1, C. D. Cundar1, I. Moncayo1, M. Ruiz2, P. Benjumea2, W. Agudelo1, R. Osorio1(1. Cundinamarca, Ecopetrol S.A., Bogotá, Colombia. 2. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia. )
8:30 AM
  1. Caracol
    8:35 AM Development of a Dual Purpose Nanotechnology-based Huff & Puff Process with CO2 for Improving Oil productivity and Carbon Geostorage
    L. J. Giraldo1, C. D. Cundar2, R. Osorio2, C. A. Franco2, G. Maya2, W. Cañas2, E. Taborda1, C. Franco1, F. Cortés1(1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia. 2. Ecopetrol S.A., Bogota, Colombia. )
    8:55 AM Nanotechnology to stabilize asphaltenes in CO2 injection processes into Colombian crude oil. Experimental study at reservoir conditions
    E. Taborda1, L. J. Giraldo1, R. Osorio2, W. Cañas2, C. D. Cundar2, C. A. Franco2, G. Maya2, F. Cortés1, C. Franco2(1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia. 2. ECOPETROL, Bogotá, Colombia. )
    9:15 AM CO2 Foam Flooding as a Potential Alternative to ASP Flooding in an Indian Oilfield: A Sustainable Approach Towards Decarbonization
    9:35 AM Enhanced Oil Recovery by Injecting CO2-N2 Foams Potentiated by Nanoparticles
    M. C. BENJUMEA2, F. Cortés1, S. Lopera1, J. Sánchez1(1. Energy and Process, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia. 2. Energy and Process, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia. )
    9:55 AM Compositional Single Well Modelling of CO2 Huff and Puff Scenarios in Middle Magdalena Valley Fields – A tool for Pilot Design
    A. Restrepo1, C. A. Franco1, J. O. Castañeda1, H. CUBILLOS1, G. E. Caldera2, C. M. Saavedra2, J. A. Sachica1, R. AMAYA3(1. Upstream Technology, Ecopetrol SA, Bogota DC, Bogota DC, Colombia. 2. Reservoir Engineering, Ecopetrol SA, Bogota DC, Colombia. 3. Production Engineering, Ecopetrol SA, Barrancabermeja, Santander, Colombia. )
  2. Aguamarina II
    8:35 AM Geomechanics Contribution to a Pre-feasibility Characterization of a Candidate Aquifer CO2 Storage Site in Deep Water Offshore Colombia
    N. Rubio2, O. Carvajal1, H. CUBILLOS2, E. Lopez-Ramos2, J. Macias1, P. Basu3(1. Baker Hughes, Houston, TX, United States. 2. Ecopetrol, Bogota, Colombia. 3. Baker Hughes, Houston, TX, United States. )
    8:55 AM Helium, CO2, and XRF: An Integrated Approach for Seal Capacity and Reservoir Characterization in CCUSProjects
    D. Llanos1, A. Liborius1, D. Tonner1(1. DIVERSIFIED, Houston, TX, United States. )
    9:15 AM Significance of Thermal, Geochemical, and Geomechanical Coupling in Carbon Dioxide Geologic Sequestration Modeling
    D. Kingham1, C. W. Mok1, P. Li1, H. M. Hort1(1. GSI Environmental Inc., Emeryville, CA, United States. )
    9:35 AM Stochastic Modeling of CO2 Injection under an Integrated Geoscience-Reservoir-Geomechanics Perspective – Gains and Challenges
    J. Rojas1, B. Tang1, W. Zheng1(1. SLB, Houston, TX, United States. )
    9:55 AM Evidence of Seal Integrity and Internal Baffling Using Fluid Inclusion Analysis on Legacy Cuttings from the Illinois Basin Decatur Project
    S. Cowan1, B. Hill1, J. Chao1, W. Phiukhao1, D. Hall2(1. SLB, Houston, TX, United States. 2. FIS LLC, Tulsa, OK, United States. )
  3. Aguamarina I
    8:35 AM History of the first commercial Carbonated Water Injection (CWI) pilot in Colombia, Galán field
    J. O. Castañeda1, H. CUBILLOS1, H. D. Ramos1(1. Ecopetrol S.A., Cajica, Cundinamarca, Colombia. )
    9:15 AM Pre-feasibility studies for CO2 Utilization and Storage in Mature Oil Fields, Examples from MMV Colombia
    H. D. Ramos1, H. CUBILLOS1, J. O. Castañeda1(1. Development CCUS Team, Ecopetrol S.A., Cajica, Cundinamarca, Colombia. )
    9:35 AM Decarbonizing the Operations of the Oil Industry in Colombia through Innovative Solutions for the Capture and Use of CO2
    J. A. Sáchica1, G. Duarte Poveda1, J. Sarmiento Chaparro1, J. Niño Gomez1, E. Castillo Monroy1(1. Ecopetrol, Bogota, Colombia. )
    9:55 AM Digital Mindset: Machine Learning Pilot Study for CCUS Screening
    M. J. CERON1, L. D. Mendoza1, F. Eremiev1, H. CUBILLOS2, E. M. Trigos2, A. J. Villarroel1, J. O. Castañeda2, M. C. Penaloza2, J. Moreno1, J. Parra1(1. DSS, SLB, Quito, PICHINCHA, Ecuador. 2. Ecopetrol S.A, Bogotá, Colombia. )
  4. Aguamarina III-IV
    8:30 AM Design and Development of Next Generation Annular Isolation Technologies for Life of the Well Integrity in CCUS wells.
    J. A. Alvarez Escobar1, R. Vasques2, Y. Esquitin2, C. Teodoriu1(1. Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States. 2. Welltec, Houston, TX, United States. )
    8:30 AM Technical Standards for CCUS Infrastructure: Challenges and Perspectives in Subsea CO2 Handling
    N. da Silva Souza1, S. Macedo Pereira1, L. Kling e Silva1, C. Speglich2, C. R. Lucas1(1. Engineering Faculty, Federal University of Para, Salinópolis, Pará, Brazil. 2. CENPES, Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. )
    8:30 AM Infrastructure and Well Design
  5. Aguamarina III-IV
    8:30 AM Storage potential of CO2 in Lower Miocene limestones of the Colombian Caribbean
    N. F. Gallego1, A. Pardo1, V. Vargas1, E. Osorio Granada1, M. Valencia Ortiz1, M. Piragauta2, Y. Buitrago2, E. Ariza2, S. Lopez Lopez2, H. Buitrago2(1. Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia. 2. Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos, Bogota, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Optimized Saline Aquifer Characterization Using Measured Well Salinities for Petrophysical Calibration in Carbon Capture and Storage Projects.
    P. C. Montaño1, M. F. Rodriguez1, D. Arevalo Daza1, M. T. Cantisano de Sandoval1, H. F. Alarcón Olave1, C. Herrera Vargas1, A. M. Salazar Franco1, L. Montenegro Rivera1, J. M. Sánchez Sierra1, M. A. Avila Paez1, C. Riaño Garzón1, O. H. Rodriguez Moreno1, N. Cruz1, N. A. Gamba Ruiz1, C. F. Agudelo Escalona1(1. Direccion de Hidrocarburos, Servicio Geologico Colombiano, London, United Kingdom. )
    8:30 AM Effects of CO2 Injection on Mechanical Properties of Coquina Samples From Morro do Chaves, Brazil
    M. S. Teixeira1, L. Souza2, D. Roehl2(1. Tecgraf Institute, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2. Tecgraf Institute and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. )
    8:30 AM Geological Trapping for CO2 Sequestration in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin: Stratigraphic and Structural Modeling.
    J. Calderon Lopez2, H. D. Ramos2, M. Cluzan1, L. Giraldo1, S. Figliuolo2, L. Rodriguez2, B. Serrano Cabrera2, J. Leon Navarro2(1. Eliis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2. Ecopetrol, Bogotá, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM An Integrated Technique of Reservoir Characterization for Carbon Capture and Storage in Basalt, Santos Sedimentary Basin, Brasil.
    O. A. Oluwadare1, P. Tassinari1(1. Division of Petroleum Exploration , IEE, USP, University of Sao Paulo, Brasil; Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo state, Nigeria, Sao paulo, Sao paulo / SP, Brazil. )
    8:30 AM Revising Seismic Data Portfolios for CO2 Storage Site Assessment: a Catalogue of Challenging yet Promising Basins
    N. Daynac1(1. Technical Excellence, Eliis, Clapiers, France. )
    8:30 AM Carbon Storage Evaluation of Moki Formation in M Field, New Zealand
    M. B. Hassim1(1. Earth, Environment and Planetary Sciences, Rice University, Houston, TX, United States. )
    8:30 AM Screening for CO2 Storage using Forward Modelling: from Facies Characterization to Injection and Plume Evolution
    A. Thebault1, S. Bou Daher1, F. Smit2, A. Mathiesen2(1. Beicip-Franlab, Rueil-Malmaison, France. 2. GEUS, Copenhagen, Denmark. )
    8:30 AM Quantitative characterization of fracture patterns as a critical aspect of carbon storage in shale reservoirs
    K. Chukwuma1, N. Harris1, E. Konstantinovska1(1. Earth and Atmospheric Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. )
    8:30 AM Phase Behavior of CO2-CH4-H2O and CO2-CH4-NaCl-H2O Systems: Implications for Instantaneous CO2 Storage in Depleted Gas Reservoirs and Saline Aquifers
    D. A. Ramnath1, R. Hosein1, R. Lansangan2(1. Chemical Engineering, University of West Indies, St Augustine, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago. 2. TechnipFMC, Houston, TX, United States. )
    8:30 AM Study on CO2-EGR Numerical Simulation of Different Gas Reservoirs
    Y. Zhang1, H. Yan1, Y. Wei1, Z. Cao1, J. Guo1, Y. Jiang1, S. Yang1(1. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development of CNPC, Beijing, Beijing, China. )
    8:30 AM CO2 Injection in Extra-Heavy Crude Oil Reservoirs: Mechanisms for Enhanced Oil Recovery and Novel Storage Concepts
    C. D. Cundar1, I. Moncayo1, G. Maya1, W. Cañas1, J. Orrego1, F. rojas1, R. Osorio1(1. Ecopetrol, Bogotá , Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Predicting Woodford’s Fracture Density through ML: A Case Study from North Central Oklahoma, USA.
    A. Hajj Chehadeh1, P. Jaiswal1(1. Boone Pickens School of Geology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United States. )
    8:30 AM Impacts on Petrophysical Properties from Coreflooding Experiments to Analyze CO2 Sequestration Potential of Miocene Carbonates in Colombia
    N. F. Gallego1, A. Pardo1, H. Buitrago2, M. Valencia Ortiz1, V. Vargas1, E. Osorio Granada1, E. Ariza2, S. Lopez Lopez2, Y. Lopez1(1. Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia. 2. Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos, Bogota, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Estimation of theoretical CO2 storage capacity in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs within productive basins of Argentina
    C. G. Grasetti Palacio1, G. A. Gallo1, T. M. Pique1(1. YPF TECNOLOGIA, Berisso, Buenos Aires, Argentina. )
    8:30 AM Challenges and Key Findings from the 1D Geomechanical Model of one of the First BECCS Projects in Brazil
    V. Marchesi1, P. Basu1, O. Carvajal1, T. Pereira2, P. Oliveira2, P. Ernesto3(1. Baker Hughes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2. UISA, São Paulo, Brazil. 3. Renovar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. )
  6. Aguamarina III-IV
    8:30 AM Develop and Implement a Digital Tool for the Management of Carbon Capture, Storage and Use (CCUS) Projects.
    J. A. Sáchica1, G. A. Londoño Obando4, C. A. Heredia Luna3, M. C. Madera Vergara2, C. A. Valencia Diaz4(1. Unconventional Resources Team, Ecopetrol, Bogota, Colombia. 2. Universidad Los Libertadores, Bogota, Colombia. 3. Universidad del Magdalena, Bogota, Colombia. 4. Ecopetrol, Bogota, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Environmental Monitoring of Unintended CO2 Leakage at CCS Sites Using Hydrogeochemistry and Carbon Isotope Signature: Evidence from a Controlled CO2 Release Experiment
    J. T. Zielinski1, W. Fucks1, L. P. Neis1, V. J. M. dos Santos1, F. Dalla Vecchia1, P. R. Reginato2, C. L. Melo1(1. Institute of Petroleum and Natural Resources (IPR), Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 2. Graduate Program in Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation, Hydraulic Research Institute (IPH), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil. )
    8:30 AM Integrating Social and Environmental Risks into Carbon Capture and Storage Site Selection: A Case Study from the Llanos Orientales Basin, Colombia
    A. M. Salazar Franco1, M. F. Rodriguez1, H. Rodriguez1, C. Herrera Vargas1, L. Montenegro Rivera1, O. H. Rodriguez Moreno1, N. Cruz1, J. M. Sánchez Sierra1, M. A. Avila Paez1, P. C. Montaño1, M. T. Cantisano de Sandoval1, D. Arevalo Daza1, C. Riaño Garzón1, C. F. Agudelo Escalona1, N. A. Gamba Ruiz1, L. A. Diaz Delgado1(1. Bogota, Servicio Geologico Colombiano, Bogota, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Evaluating CO2 Injection Measurement, Reporting and Verification Program performance: a review of early CCS tests (2001-2011), extended CCS pilots (2011-2019) and commercial CCS implementation MRV programs
    A. Simone1(1. Ryder Scott, Houston, TX, United States. )
    8:30 AM Strategic Application of Model Simulation to Assess Risk Associated with CO2 Injection
    D. Kingham1, C. W. Mok1(1. GSI Environmental Inc., Emeryville, CA, United States. )
    8:30 AM Enhancing Safety and Efficiency in Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage: A Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Monitoring Framework
    D. A. Suleiman1(1. Geology , University of Maiduguri, Potiskum , Yobe, Nigeria. )
    8:30 AM CO2 storage and fracture intensity: How important is this criterion, and how can it be properly evaluated?
    M. A. Avila Paez1, J. M. Sánchez Sierra1, O. H. Rodriguez Moreno1, A. M. Salazar Franco1, L. Montenegro Rivera1, M. F. Rodriguez1, N. A. Gamba Ruiz1, L. A. Diaz Delgado1, H. F. Alarcón Olave1, M. T. Cantisano de Sandoval1, C. F. Agudelo Escalona1, C. Herrera Vargas1, N. Cruz1, C. Riaño Garzón1, P. C. Montaño1, D. Arevalo Daza1(1. Cundinamarca, Servicio Geologico Colombiano, Bogota, Colombia. )
    8:30 AM Challenges and Current Status of Data for Regional Assessments of Geological CO2 Storage
    J. M. Sánchez Sierra1, O. H. Rodriguez Moreno1, M. F. Rodriguez1, A. M. Salazar Franco1, L. Montenegro Rivera1, M. A. Avila Paez1, C. Riaño Garzón1, N. Cruz1, N. A. Gamba Ruiz1, H. F. Alarcón Olave1, C. F. Agudelo Escalona1, M. T. Cantisano de Sandoval1, C. Herrera Vargas1, P. C. Montaño1, D. Arevalo Daza1, L. A. Diaz Delgado1(1. Servicio Geológico Colombiano, Bogota, Bogotá D.C., Colombia. )
10:45 AM
  1. Aguamarina I
    10:50 AM Canadian CCUS From Policy to Profit - A year in Review
    A. Lafreniere1(1. McDaniel, Calgary, AB, Canada. )
    11:10 AM Developing regional carbon hubs to support CCS in the United States
    E. Middleton1, R. Middleton1, J. C. Duque1, M. Miranda1, J. Prehn1, A. Harrison1, L. Bailey1(1. Carbon Solutions, Okemos, MI, United States. )
    11:30 AM Exploring CCS Viability in Brazil’s Potiguar Basin: Preliminary Results from the Pendência Formation
    E. L. Vargas Guzmán1(1. Institute of Energy and Environment, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. )
    11:50 AM Pre-feasibility Study for CO2 Storage in Depleted Gas Sandstone in the Lower Magdalena Valley, Colombia
    H. D. Ramos1, J. O. Castañeda1, E. Lopez-Ramos1, F. Torres1, H. CUBILLOS1(1. Development CCUS Team, Ecopetrol S.A., Cajica, Cundinamarca, Colombia. )
    12:10 PM Causes and Consequences of Unexpected Plume Migration: A South Texas Case Study
    J. Mello1, D. Newton1, Z. Long1(1. Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc., Houston, TX, United States. )
  2. Caracol
    10:50 AM Effect of brine composition and salinity on CO2 plume migration and trapping capacity in deep saline aquifer: Geochemical approach
    M. I. Sandoval1, G. Maya2, H. CUBILLOS2, J. A. Caicedo Avellaneda2(1. Santander , COOPERATIVA DE TECNÓLOGOS E INGENIEROS DE LA INDUSTRIA DEL PETRÓLEO Y AFI-NES – TIP, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia. 2. Ecopetrol, Bucaramanga, ---, Colombia. )
    11:10 AM The Impact of Microfractures on Effective Diffusion Coefficients: Integrating Physics-Informed Neural Network and Pore-Scale Simulation
    M. wang1(1. China University of Petroleum, Beijing, Beijing, China. )
    11:50 AM Hydraulic Fracturing for CO2 Disposal Maximization in Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Projects
    L. Sierra1(1. LINQX, HOUSTON, TX, United States. )
  3. Aguamarina II
    10:50 AM Overcoming Integrity Issues in CCUS Wells: Through-Tubing Diagnostics for Verifying Well Barrier Effectiveness
    H. Govea1, E. Loya1, M. Volkov1, S. Avilez2, J. Martin-Gaubeca2(1. Reservoir, Production & Abandoment CoP, TGT Diagnostics, Houston, TX, United States. 2. Americas`, TGT Diagnostics, Houston, TX, United States. )
    11:10 AM Blending Exploration and Bioenergy production to tap Emission reduction and CCS Opportunities at the Paraná Basin
    L. B. Silva1, F. Miranda1, D. Michelon1, M. R. Zimmermann1, F. Galbiati1, R. Almeida1(1. Eneva, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. )
    11:30 AM Assessment of CO2 Geological Storage Potential: A Case Study of the Lower Magdalena Valley Basin
    L. E. Moreno1, A. Sarmiento1, M. Reyes2(1. Fundación Universidad de América, Bogotá D.C., Bogotá D.C., Colombia. 2. New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Socorro, NM, United States. )
    11:50 AM Geological favorability for CO2 storage in Colombian sedimentary basins.
    M. F. Rodriguez1, N. A. Gamba Ruiz1, L. Montenegro Rivera1, J. M. Sánchez Sierra1, O. H. Rodriguez Moreno1, M. T. Cantisano de Sandoval1, M. A. Avila Paez1, A. M. Salazar Franco1, H. F. Alarcón Olave1, C. Herrera Vargas1, N. Cruz1, C. Riaño Garzón1, P. C. Montaño1, D. Arevalo Daza1, C. F. Agudelo Escalona1(1. Direccion de Hidrocarburos, Servicio Geologico Colombiano, Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia. )
    12:10 PM Unlocking CO2 Storage Potential: Using SRMS to Identify Areas for CCUS Projects in Brazil
    D. Cardoso1, C. S. dos Santos1, F. Andres1, L. P. Neis1, J. T. Zielinski1, L. Felippe1, P. F. Games1, L. Genro1, C. L. Melo1, M. Martins2(1. Institute of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 2. CENPES, PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. )
2:00 PM
  1. Caracol
    2:05 PM Modelling Residual Trapping of injected CO2 in the Migrant Structure, Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada.
    K. Martyns-Yellowe1, T. B. Kelly1, G. Wach1, B. F. Richards1, D. E. O'Connor1, L. Damascena2, C. Ribeiro2(1. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Dalhousie University Basin and Reservoir Lab, Halifax, NS, Canada. 2. Multiscale Integrated Simulation Group (GSIM),, Universitad do Ceara, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. )
    2:25 PM Unraveling Influencing Factors for CO2 Mineralization in the Serra Geral Group Basalts: A DOE-Based Study on Element Release and Reactivity
    J. T. Zielinski1, V. J. M. dos Santos1, E. A. dos Santos1, S. C. da Silva1, W. Fucks1, P. Costabile de Souza1, A. R. G. Oliveira1, R. S. Iglesias1, B. L. Waichel2, C. L. Melo1, F. Dalla Vecchia1, L. S. M. Filho3, C. F. Nunes3(1. Institute of Petroleum and Natural Resources (IPR), Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 2. Geology Department (DGL), Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. 3. Repsol Sinopec Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. )
    2:45 PM Preliminary Evaluation of Uncertain Properties on the Carbon Dioxide Injectivity and Trapping in a Saline Aquifer: Case Study of Rio Bonito Formation
    A. Izadpanahi1, C. Gaeta Tassinari1, M. Sampaio1(1. University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. )
    3:05 PM CO2-Brine-Rock Interactions in Depleted Oil Reservoirs: Effects on Clean and Oil-stained Sandstone Properties
    S. Mohammed1, L. Sobers1, O. Blake1, D. Chakrabarti1, A. Osman1, U. Iyare2, W. Clarke1, S. Maharaj1, A. Nowrang1, T. Lee Chan1, A. Mohammed1, J. Smith1(1. Chemical Engineering, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine , Trinidad and Tobago. 2. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, United States. )
    3:25 PM CO2 Sequestration in Oceanic Aquifers, Enhanced by CO2 Immobilization and Formation of a CO2-Hydrate Impermeable Bounding Layer in the Overburden
    G. J. Moridis1(1. Petroleum Engineering Dept., Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, United States. )
  2. Aguamarina I
    2:05 PM Material Selection for CCS Injection Well: A Case Study for Onshore Storage in California
    P. Mauger1, G. Neel1, A. R. Angelo2, N. Rodrigues2, P. Santana2, K. Schleiss2(1. Research and development, Vallourec, Aulnoye-Aymeries, France. 2. Vallourec, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. )
    2:25 PM Technical-Economic Evaluation of a CO2 Transport and Storage System (CCS) in a Saline Aquifer in a Field in the Middle Magdalena Valley
    J. L. Gonzalez1(1. SANTANDER, UNIVERSIDAD INDUSTRIAL DE SANTANDER, Bucaramanga, Colombia. )
    2:45 PM Corrosion modeling to select well tubulars for CCUS wells
    M. Valluri1, A. Duguid1(1. Advanced Resources International, Inc, Columbus, OH, United States. )
    3:05 PM A Comprehensive Review Of Cementing Technologies For CO2 Storage Projects
    V. Nguyen1, T. Nguyen1, W. Ampomah1, D. Pham1, T. Dong1, H. Vo1(1. Petroleum, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, United States. )
    3:25 PM The Use of In-Well Flow Control Devices to Address Multiple Challenges of Carbon Dioxide Injection in CCS Projects
    M. R. Konopczynski1(1. TAQA, Houston, TX, United States. )
  3. Aguamarina II
    2:05 PM Risks to Widespread Adoption of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): A Multifaceted Challenge
    D. Meehan1(1. Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, Spring, TX, United States. )
    2:25 PM Meeting the Global CCUS Challenge: Infrastructure Design and Roadmaps
    R. Middleton1, L. Bailey1, J. C. Duque1, A. Jordan1, E. Middleton1, J. Ogland-Hand1, J. Prehn1, K. Sale1, C. Talsma1, C. Upchurch1(1. Carbon Solutions, Okemos, MI, United States. )
    2:45 PM Contractual Hurdles for Stablishing Transportation & Storage Agreements in CCUS Project Hubs
    M. C. Santoro1(1. Renewables, PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL, Brazil. )
    3:05 PM Flue Gas for Enhanced Oil Recovery Another Viable Alternative to Implement CCUS in Colombia
    J. A. Sáchica1, J. E. rivera de la ossa2, G. Maya2(1. Unconventional Resources Team, Ecopetrol, Bogota, Colombia. 2. Ecopetrol, Bogota, Colombia. )
    3:25 PM Assessing the Potential for CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery and Storage with Water Alternating Gas Injection in an Oil Sandstone in Chichimene Field of Colombia.
    F. Torres1(1. Gerencia Tecnica, Ecopetrol SAS, Bogota DC, Colombia. )
4:15 PM
  1. Aguamarina I
    4:40 PM Quantitative Evaluation of Tectonic Stability for Favorable Geological CO2 Storage Sites in Colombia
    J. M. Sánchez Sierra1, M. A. Avila Paez1, A. M. Salazar Franco1, O. H. Rodriguez Moreno1, M. F. Rodriguez1, L. Montenegro Rivera1, H. F. Alarcón Olave1, C. F. Agudelo Escalona1, M. T. Cantisano de Sandoval1, C. Herrera Vargas1, N. Cruz1, C. Riaño Garzón1, P. C. Montaño1, D. Arevalo Daza1, N. A. Gamba Ruiz1, L. A. Diaz Delgado1(1. Servicio Geológico Colombiano, Bogota, Bogotá D.C., Colombia. )
    5:00 PM Concept of an Injector-Monitor Well for the CCS Pilot Project in Brazil
    L. C. Pereira1(1. Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. )
    5:40 PM Quantitative Risking of Geological Carbon Storage Projects
    P. Pestman1, P. D. Carragher1, R. Constable2, C. Jenkins1(1. Rose Subsurface Assessment, Houston, TX, United States. 2. Constable Energy Consulting, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom. )
  2. Aguamarina II
    4:40 PM The geological storage of CO2 offshore Cameroon
    M. Mienlam Essi1, S. Sakshi2(1. Geoscience and Environment Department, Faculty of Science, University of Ebolowa, Ebolowa, Cameroon. 2. Hindustan oil and Exploration Limited, Chennai, India. )
    5:00 PM Optimizing Injection Strategy to Control Plume Growth in Multilayer Reservoirs with no to Limited Interlayer Communication
    J. Rojas1, B. Tang1(1. SLB, Houston, TX, United States. )
    5:20 PM Evaluation of CCS Feasibility in the Depleted Sudoeste de Urucu Oilfield, Brazilian Amazon, Solimões Basin
    A. R. da Cunha1, T. Barbosa1(1. UFPA, Salinópolis, Brazil. )